Makes the wrapped text bold, italic, underlined, or struck-through.
- Example:
- This is [B]bold[/B] text.
This is [I]italic[/I] text.
This is [U]underlined[/U] text.
This is [S]struck-through[/S] text.
- Output:
This is bold text.
This is italic text.
This is underlined text.
This is struck-through text.
Changes the color, font, or size of the wrapped text.
- Example:
- This is [COLOR=red]red[/COLOR] and [COLOR=#0000cc]blue[/COLOR] text.
This is [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] text.
This is [SIZE=1]small[/SIZE] and [SIZE=7]big[/SIZE] text.
- Output:
This is red and blue text.
This is Courier New text.
This is small and big text.
Creates a link using the wrapped text as the target.
- Example:
- [URL]https://www.example.com[/URL]
- Output:
Links the wrapped text to the specified web page or email address.
- Example:
- [URL=https://www.example.com]Go to example.com[/URL]
[EMAIL=example@example.com]Email me[/EMAIL]
- Output:
Links to a user's profile. This is generally inserted automatically when mentioning a user.
- Example:
- [USER=1]User name[/USER]
- Output:
Display an image, using the wrapped text as the URL.
- Example:
- [IMG]https://www.infinitymu.net/assets/default/images/wallpaper_infinity_small.png[/IMG]
- Output:
Embeds media from approved sites into your message. It is recommended that you use the media button in the editor tool bar.
Approved sites:
Apple Music,
- Example:
- [MEDIA=youtube]oHg5SJYRHA0[/MEDIA]
- Output:
- An embedded YouTube player would appear here.
Displays a bulleted or numbered list.
- Example:
- [LIST]
[*]Bullet 1
[*]Bullet 2
[*]Entry 1
[*]Entry 2
- Output:
Changes the alignment of the wrapped text.
- Example:
- [LEFT]Left-aligned[/LEFT]
- Output:
Displays text that has been quoted from another source. You may also attribute the name of the source.
- Example:
- [QUOTE]Quoted text[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=A person]Something they said[/QUOTE]
- Output:
Hides text that may contain spoilers so that it must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
- Example:
- [SPOILER]Simple spoiler[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER=Spoiler Title]Spoiler with a title[/SPOILER]
- Output:
Allows you to display text inline among normal content which hides text that may contain spoilers and must be clicked by the viewer to be seen.
- Example:
- You have to click the following [ISPOILER]word[/ISPOILER] to see the content.
- Output:
You have to click the following word to see the content.
Displays text in one of several programming languages, highlighting the syntax where possible.
- Example:
- General code:
Rich code:
PHP code:
[CODE=php]echo $hello . ' world';[/CODE]
JS code:
[CODE=javascript]var hello = 'world';[/CODE]
- Output:
General code:
Rich code:
PHP code:
JS code:
Allows you to display code inline among normal post content. Syntax will not be highlighted.
- Example:
- Inline code blocks [ICODE]are a convenient way[/ICODE] of displaying code inline.
- Output:
Inline code blocks are a convenient way
of displaying code inline.
Indents the wrapped text. This can be nested for larger indentings.
- Example:
- Regular text
[INDENT]Indented text[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2]More indented[/INDENT]
- Output:
Regular text
Indented text
More indented
Special markup to display tables in your content.
- Example:
[TH]Header 1[/TH]
[TH]Header 2[/TH]
[TD]Content 1[/TD]
[TD]Content 2[/TD]
- Output:
Header 1 | Header 2 |
Content 1 | Content 2 |
Disables BB code translation on the wrapped text.
- Example:
- [PLAIN]This is not [B]bold[/B] text.[/PLAIN]
- Output:
This is not [B]bold[/B] text.
Inserts an attachment at the specified point. If the attachment is an image, a thumbnail or full size version will be inserted. This will generally be inserted by clicking the appropriate button.
- Example:
Thumbnail: [ATTACH]123[/ATTACH]
Full size: [ATTACH=full]123[/ATTACH]
- Output:
- The contents of the attachments would appear here.
Administrator Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [ADM]Administrator[/ADM]
- Output:
Administrator V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [ADMV2]Administrator[/ADMV2]
- Output:
Banned User Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [BAN]Banned User[/BAN]
- Output:
Banned User
Boss Slayer Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [BOSS]Boss Slayer[/BOSS]
- Output:
Boss Slayer
The Chosen One Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [CHOSEN]The Chosen One[/CHOSEN]
- Output:
The Chosen One
Castle Owner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [CO]Castle Owner[/CO]
- Output:
Castle Owner
Top Contributor Group BB Code.
- Example:
- Output:
Top Contributor
Draconite Hunter Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [DH]Draconite Hunter[/DH]
- Output:
Draconite Hunter
Event Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [EM]Event Master[/EM]
- Output:
Event Master
Event Master V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [EMV2]Event Master[/EMV2]
- Output:
Event Master
Forum Hero Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [FH]Forum Hero[/FH]
- Output:
Forum Hero
FIMES Winner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- Output:
FIMES Winner
Infinity Finest Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [FIN]Infinity Finest[/FIN]
- Output:
Infinity Finest
Forum Supporter Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [FSUP]Forum Supporter[/FSUP]
- Output:
Forum Supporter
Forum Supporter V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [FSUPV2]Forum Supporter[/FSUPV2]
- Output:
Forum Supporter
Futuristic Infinitian Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [FUTINF]Futuristic Infinitian[/FUTINF]
- Output:
Futuristic Infinitian
BB code for displaying gallery media items and albums.
- Example:
- [GALLERY=media, X]Gallery BB Code[/GALLERY]
- Output:
[GALLERY=media, X]Gallery BB Code[/GALLERY]
GFX Team Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [GFX]GFX Team[/GFX]
- Output:
GFX Team
GFX Team Leader Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [GFXL]GFX Team Leader[/GFXL]
- Output:
GFX Team Leader
GFX Team Leader V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [GFXLV2]GFX Team Leader[/GFXLV2]
- Output:
GFX Team Leader
Adds a glow effect to the text
- Example:
- [glow=#e42222]glow[/glow]
- Output:
Game Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [GM]Game Master[/GM]
- Output:
Game Master
Game Master V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [GMV2]Game Master[/GMV2]
- Output:
Game Master
Link to an anchor in post
- Example:
- [goto=This takes you to a new location within a post]This takes you to a new location within a post[/goto]
- Output:
Birthday Wisher Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [HB]Birthday Wisher[/HB]
- Output:
Birthday Wisher
Infinity Hardcore Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [hc]Infinity Hardcore[/hc]
- Output:
Infinity Hardcore
Head Event Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [HEM]Head Event Master[/HEM]
- Output:
Head Event Master
Head Event Master V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [HEMV2]Head Event Master[/HEMV2]
- Output:
Head Event Master
Head Game Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [HGM]Head Game Master[/HGM]
- Output:
Head Game Master
Head Game Master V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [HGMV2]Head Game Master[/HGMV2]
- Output:
Head Game Master
Adds a line between the text.
- Example:
- text
- Output:
Honorary Staff Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [HS]Honorary Staff[/HS]
- Output:
Honorary Staff
Infinity Artist Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [IA]Infinity Artist[/IA]
- Output:
Infinity Artist
Infinity Idol Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [IDOL]Infinity Idol[/IDOL]
- Output:
Infinity Idol
Infinity Got Talent Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [IGT]Infinity Got Talent[/IGT]
- Output:
Infinity Got Talent
IMES Winner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [imes]IMES Winner[/imes]
- Output:
IMES Winner
Infinitian Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [INF]Infinitian[/INF]
- Output:
Legend Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [LEG]Legend[/LEG]
- Output:
Lead Moderator Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [LMOD]Lead Moderator[/LMOD]
- Output:
Lead Moderator
Lead Moderator V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [LMODV2]Lead Moderator[/LMODV2]
- Output:
Lead Moderator
Moderator Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [MOD]Moderator[/MOD]
- Output:
Moderator V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [MODV2]Moderator[/MODV2]
- Output:
Mr. Infinity Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [MR]Mr. Infinity[/MR]
- Output:
Mr. Infinity
Ms. Infinity Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [MS]Ms Infinity[/MS]
- Output:
Ms Infinity
Owner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [OWNER]Owner[/OWNER]
- Output:
Owner V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [OWNERV2]Owner[/OWNERV2]
- Output:
The Picasso! Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [PICASSO]The Picasso![/PICASSO]
- Output:
The Picasso!
PK Monthly Winner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [PMW]PK Monthly Winner[/PMW]
- Output:
PK Monthly Winner
Prehistoric Infinitian Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [PREINF]Prehistoric Infinitian[/PREINF]
- Output:
Prehistoric Infinitian
PVP Champion Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [PVP]PVP Champion[/PVP]
- Output:
PVP Champion
PVP Champion V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [PVPV2]PVP Champion[/PVPV2]
- Output:
PVP Champion
Reset Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [RESET]Reset Master[/RESET]
- Output:
Reset Master
Senior Event Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SEM]Senior Event Master[/SEM]
- Output:
Senior Event Master
Senior Game Master BB Code.
- Example:
- [SGM]Senior Game Master[/SGM]
- Output:
Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SGMV2]Senior Game Master[/SGMV2]
- Output:
Senior Game Master
Siege King Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SIEGE]Siege King[/SIEGE]
- Output:
Siege King
Senior Moderator Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SMOD]Senior Moderator[/SMOD]
- Output:
Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SMODV2]Senior Moderator[/SMODV2]
- Output:
Senior Moderator
SOTM Winner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SOTM]SOTM Winner[/SOTM]
- Output:
SOTM Winner
Community Streamer Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [STREAMER]Community Streamer[/STREAMER]
- Output:
Community Streamer
Supporter Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SUP]Supporter[/SUP]
- Output:
Supporter V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [SUPV2]Supporter[/SUPV2]
- Output:
SuperVIP Group BB Code.
- Example:
- Output:
Test Event Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [TEM]Test Event Master[/TEM]
- Output:
Test Event Master
Test Game Master Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [TGM]Test Game Master[/TGM]
- Output:
Test Game Master
Test Moderator Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [TMOD]Test Moderator[/TMOD]
- Output:
Test Moderator
Test Moderator V2 Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [TMODV2]Test Moderator[/TMODV2]
- Output:
Test Moderator
Top Poster Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [TP]Top Poster[/TP]
- Output:
Top Poster
Ultimate FIMES Winner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [UFIMES]Ultimate FIMES Winner[/UFIMES]
- Output:
Ultimate FIMES Winner
Ultimate Infinitian Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [UI]Ultimate Infinitian[/UI]
- Output:
Ultimate Infinitian
Ultimate IMES Winner Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [uimes]Ultimate IMES Winner[/uimes]
- Output:
Ultimate IMES Winner
Veteran Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [VET]Veteran[/VET]
- Output:
VIP Group BB Code.
- Example:
- Output:
Top Voter Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [VOTER]Top Voter[/VOTER]
- Output:
Top Voter
War King Group BB Code.
- Example:
- Output:
War King
Wiki Team Group BB Code.
- Example:
- [WIKI]Wiki Team[/WIKI]
- Output:
Wiki Team