Forum Event InfinityMU Author - February 2023

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Leader Of The Disorganizer
February 16th , 2020
Reaction score

Hello, ladies and gents!

Welcome to our InfinityMU Author Event, February's Edition.

This month we will choose a topic and you will create a POEM based on that topic, and post it here.
The POEM must only be regarding the topic that we will provide. Prepare your poetry skill and become our
InfinityMU Author

Topic: Passion for InfinityMU
Describe about Your Start In IMU & the fun of it, (depending on each character) and how did you became Stronger.
Put this into max of 12 lines and share your experience with us.
Now it's your chance to show us your poetry talent!

Rules of the event

1. Members with 10 posts and above can enter the event.
2. Each participant can join with only 1 POEM.
3. Do not copy a POEM from the internet.The staff members will keep track of the originality
and validity of each stories, if you break the rule your entry won't be accepted.
Please check rule no. 17 from the Forum Rules.

4. Stories with offensive language will not be accepted.
5. The story size should be a SHORT POEM - YOU HAVE TO WRITE A POEM

6. The story you submit must be created based on the topic we provided.
7. Normal font is required.
8. Entries submitted after the given deadline will not be accepted.
9. Write your In-game name(IGN) above the entry that you are going to post. If you don't provide a valid IGN your rewards will not be added.
10. All entries should be submitted IN THIS THREAD until the deadline. Late entries will not be accepted.

Criteria for judging the entries:

Mistake free
Sentence construction

The prizes:

1st PLACE:

10,000 gold credits + 10 FIMES
+ your entry will possibly be added in the InfinityMU Wiki Page
+ the awesome Poetry Master Tag for 1 month.


2nd PLACE:
5,000 gold credits + 5 FIMES

3rd PLACE:
3,000 gold credits + 3 FIMES

Consolation Prize:
Entries that have at least 1 vote will get 500 Gold Credits + 1 FIMES

What are IMES/FIMES you ask? Read Here.

You can PM me in forum if you have any questions regarding the event.
Deadline for submitting entries: 15th of February.
The poll will be made after the deadline.

Creativity&Inspiration FTW!
IGN : ViolaMania
There it was and still it is.. a server named Infinity.
A server where for free we play.. Sometimes donate is easy way.
15 years and more will come.. Every player having fun.
The owner is a little troll.. For that i swear i love him more.
Staffers also bit of nasty.. They woop us bad for being naughty..
It's alright many will say...who likes chaos anyway?
Reading forum's daily basics.. Shout Box feuds are such a classy.
Negative indeed i am.. I smell fishy, quid pro quo is all i say.
Trolling friends, my daily job.. When they strike, I'm a little mouse. 😅
Another passion grew these days.. to skin the maps for better play.
I butcher them to be honest.. at copy paste I am the best.
Day by day I come and play.. Infinity I love u hey!!!..​
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IGN; CarlAndrei

infinitymu start back in 2012
There are a lot same game online but infinitymu is my favorate
infintymu is free and it is easy to play
Admin of the game is easy to approach even that he is busy, he still make sure that infinitians still have a server to play
I love that everyone are compezitive but are still friendly.
IGN: [-#Eska#-]
15 years ago a server appeared, with tons of spiders and dragons getting killed
Improving all the time is what they do, we are waiting for all the newest suits
Many players can play for free, others make the fastest leap
Stadium is the bloodest map, all the sinners can kill while you nap
Hunts have become a funny event, all the ancas are in Eskaheim
Many people call it Kanturu, others name it Konaturu
PvPs with my friends became my passion, nobody asking for compassion
I stated building my collection, Titan Uber should be perfection 😅
"No entry on mu author" a friend asked, here i am completing task
This is all my responsability, to say Happy Birthday Infinity 🎆
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