Big Game Event [Big Event]Hunt the Mods

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May 17th , 2015
Reaction score
Lorencia 78 153

Major Event - Hunt the MODS

Hello Infinitian's! It's time for a major event !

You have a personal vendeta against a Forum Moderator or even against the Lead Forum Moderator? It's time to make them pay ! Slay them all and show superiority in game !

The event consits of minor events combined into a big event.As the title says the objective is to hunt down our Forum Moderators and slay them all, bring them the total anihilation ! Hide & Seek combined with PK !

Event mechanics:
-The MOD's shall form a party and hide in one of the Continent of MU Maps.
-Whilst hiding, they will permanently have a SHOP open with the name "Prey" on it.
-Event participants have to set up hunting squadrons in order to find them and slay them all.
-The event hosters EM's, GM's, HGM or Administrator shall follow the "Prey" all over the map.
-The "Prey" shall be in a constant movement around the map trying to survive the "Hunter" kites and attacks, responding with the same thing...death !
-Tactics,planing and momentum are very important in order to succeed.
-If the "Prey" has not formed a full party, minor PK Events shall be hosted in order to pick "Guardians" to complete the "Prey" Party

Victory condition & prizes:
-Victory will be declared once all the Moderators are dead.
-Prizes will follow a bounty format:
Lead Moderator: 10,000 GC + 5 IMES
Senior Moderator: 7,500 GC + 3 IMES
Moderator: 5,000 GC + 2 IMES
Trial Moderator(if applicable): 2,500 GC + 1 IMES

-ALL buffs allowed
-ALL classes allowed
-SUMMON is allowed for both teams "Prey" & "Hunter"
-"Prey" is not allowed to hide in "safe zone"
-Failing to do so, the host can Disqualify/Slay the player/mod involved
-Once dead, a ''Prey'' can no longer come back as a target.
-Prey killed by their Guard will still come back as a target.

Prizes for "Prey" + "Guardian":
Stage 1 : 2,500 Gold Credits if they survive at least 5 minutes
Stage 2 : 5,000 Gold Credits if they survive at least 10 minutes
Stage 3 : 7,500 Gold Credits if they survive at least 20 minutes
Stage 4 : 10,000 Gold Credits if they survive at least 30 minutes
"Guardians" will recieve 1 extra IMES point per game stage starting from 2nd Stage

Event date :

11th of November, 1 hour before regular CASTLE SIEGE time !


May 17th , 2015
Reaction score
Lorencia 78 153
Today, 11th of November 2018 just 1 hour before our regural CS time, The hunt began... Huge numbers of hunters have gathered for the great hunt. The weather was cold and dry, and the skies were dark when the battle began. The hunters attacked the Mods with all their streangth and power , as they saw the mods were all together. When the Guards saw the hunters aproaching they quickly fight back, protecting the Mods. When Kendall and Ezio died the Guards retreated leaving the rest Mods vulnerable. The Hunters organize their strategy and all together attacked Syd which died bravely. The last Mod standing, named Fran, refused to fall but the strength of the Hunters was unmatched and he fell bravely from the Hunter's blades.

The members of the Council : Fran, Chi, Kendall, Syd and Ezio.

The Guards : Juggernxut and ****

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