Lost Account Info? Get help asap!

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Forgotten your password?

Best solution: http://www.infinitymu.net/lost-password
Alternative solution: Send mail to support@infinitymu.net with the following information:
  • Any info you might remember about your account will be in help, such as:
  • Previous passwords, emails, character names, guild names;
  • IP Address used (go to www.showip.net and tell us your IP address);
  • Donation proofs: sms logs, western union/moneygram scanned receipts or paypal email/transaction id's;
  • Screenshots of your characters if possible.

Forgotten your account name?

Best Solution: http://www.infinitymu.net/lost-password
Alternative solution: Send mail to support@infinitymu.net with the following info:
  • Any info you might remember about your account will be in help, such as:
  • Previous passwords, email;
  • Character names / in-game screenshots of your characters / guild name used in-game.
  • IP Address used (go to www.showip.net and tell us your IP address)
  • Donation proofs: sms logs, western union/moneygram scanned receipts or paypal email/transaction id's.

Forgotten your e-mail address?

Send mail to support@infinitymu.net with the following info:
  • Character names / in-game screenshots of your characters / guild name used in-game.
  • Username, Previous passwords, emails possibly used
  • IP Address used (go to www.showip.net and tell us your IP address)
  • Donation proofs: sms logs, western union/moneygram scanned receipts or paypal email/transaction id's.

Once you send the mail letter expect an e-mail up to 12 hours, but most times its immediately.

We do not change or give any information about accounts unless you can provide significant proofs that the account belongs to you and only to you.
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