ok, this is a little update so you all will know.
i will be 40% here and 60% in insania, why ?? they need more help there atm, but dont be scared, i will be here every day to, otherwise i will miss you ppl to hard.
But after a time i will be 50% in here and 50 % in insania, so you all get my lovley gm to see, and support.
Like the most didnt know, i was very active even when i tolded to be inactive because i'm on university and finisht just 3 weeks of exams, and those where hard.
why i do this? The server need to stay supported by a gm, thats why i stay active in some way.
Now all my free time go to the servers. i stay having a real life so i will host more events in the weekends here. it will be 1 weekend here vents of me and other weekend in insania ( when i'm not drunk ).
Now i gonne party because end of exames is bigg party.
I hope you all understand, if you Realy need me, send me a pm, and i will check it and i will be ingame, ( when i have readed it, i'm from Belgium with GMT+1) .
i'm every day on msn, so if you need me realy fast say to fullpk and he will spam me on msn for it
my skype = de.deken.nicholas ( i think xD)
you can ask on stormy to if you need me fast .
But dont forget: i will checking every day all the reports, the game, so dont try to fool me ,
And be nice he .
If you have any questions, just ask i will answer it.
I wont ignore infinity <3
I wont ignore Insania <3
Every player is a king, but a king need to show respect before he get respect.
Folow the rules and you get my love, Breake the rules and i will cry :'(.
Love you all <3
i will be 40% here and 60% in insania, why ?? they need more help there atm, but dont be scared, i will be here every day to, otherwise i will miss you ppl to hard.
But after a time i will be 50% in here and 50 % in insania, so you all get my lovley gm to see, and support.
Like the most didnt know, i was very active even when i tolded to be inactive because i'm on university and finisht just 3 weeks of exams, and those where hard.
why i do this? The server need to stay supported by a gm, thats why i stay active in some way.
Now all my free time go to the servers. i stay having a real life so i will host more events in the weekends here. it will be 1 weekend here vents of me and other weekend in insania ( when i'm not drunk ).
Now i gonne party because end of exames is bigg party.
I hope you all understand, if you Realy need me, send me a pm, and i will check it and i will be ingame, ( when i have readed it, i'm from Belgium with GMT+1) .
i'm every day on msn, so if you need me realy fast say to fullpk and he will spam me on msn for it
my skype = de.deken.nicholas ( i think xD)
you can ask on stormy to if you need me fast .
But dont forget: i will checking every day all the reports, the game, so dont try to fool me ,
And be nice he .
If you have any questions, just ask i will answer it.
I wont ignore infinity <3
I wont ignore Insania <3
Every player is a king, but a king need to show respect before he get respect.
Folow the rules and you get my love, Breake the rules and i will cry :'(.
Love you all <3