Our DDoS shield for some reason blocks the proxy IP servers of cloudflare and this causing our website from functioning. Our webserver is working normal as I can see it has 226 days uptime. Just the DDoS shield sometimes gives outages due frequent big DDoS attacks we receive. The screenshot that shows that our web server is off is because one from cloudflare's IP was blocked recently by the DDoS shield. I will forward this issue to our host so they ensure to whitelist the cloudflare IPs in the DDoS shield.
About the game issue sergioR experiences, it could be from PC or temporarily internet outage this just happens sometimes. I never experienced freeze at login. I'm playing every day.
Thanks for your concern.
An Error 522 means that the connection started on the origin web server, but that
the request was not completed. The most common reason why this would occur is
that either a program, cron job or resource is taking up more resources than it should
causing the server not to be able to respond to all requests properly. The origin web
server is not functioning consistently for each request. Contact your hosting provider
to identify and resolve the issue.