Big Game Event [Announced Event] The difference is cool

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April 16th , 2010
Reaction score
I'd like to you all Infinitians that I will be doing a event called ''The difference is cool'' this event will happen probably Sunday, 16:30 GMT -3 or in the next week AFTER the Castle Siege Event.
I suggest this event some time ago, >Link here<, just with a different name, but it's the same event, I will just post a better explain below.

  • But why the event is called ''The difference is cool?''

    Well, we live in a capitalism world, where ''old'' clothes are considered ugly and dont serves to use, thats the same on the game, when we was at start, real noobs we used those ''ugly'' sets, non excellent, +2, +3, and we dont care if we was using a gloves of one set and the pants of the other and if it was ugly, we was focus in other thing, and this event will be to make something different, lets back into the start how we was at the start, do difference is cool!

    [*]How the Event works?

    The event work like this, the players will have to search or buy ''ugly'' items, mix a lot of diff sets together, try to more ugly as possible.

    Example: Bronze boots +3 plus Dragon pants +7 plus Dark Knight Gloves +4 plus Brass helm +2 plus Plate Armor +13 plus Wing level 2, Use ur brain and imagination to make the best design and the most ugly styles, ugly name and ugly guild names will be considered as well.

    SS Example: Click Me!

    Video Example: Click Me!

    [*]How much will be the Prize?

    About the prizes I will discuss with higher Staff to see what can be the prizes, but probably will be credits or if they allow me I will give something good and full opt.

    [*]How to join in that Event?

    obviously you have to be using a ''ugly'' items as we explain already above, peoples w/o different items will be moved out the event and if keep disturbing the event will be banned as well.

    [*]More Information:

    The Event will be made probably in Losttower 1 or in Lorencia and it will need a lot of player and also the players collaboration coz it requires a lot of organizations and focus, in the event time the players will align in a straight line in a non pvp area and me more the gms that will be helping me will see and vote for the 3 best styles, first, second and third place in sequence.

This will be funny and its for the people who always say that we always do the same event, its the time to join in this event and have some ''difference'' fun.

Prepare your ''old'' clothes and be ready!

Refuse imitations!

Note: Players who come here just to try to destroy the event and disturb the gms will be banned as well.

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The event will be hosted this coming saturday after the Castle Siege Event, Server 3.
The map we will choose and post here, so be ready, collect ur ''ugly'' items and lets make beautiful, at 08.06.2013 I'll be waiting you all. :happy:
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I'm so sorry for the late repply, I coudn't make the event after the CS coz I was a bit busy with my real life, I will find a good date for everyone and for me also, then I will update it here, once again sorry and be patient for more updates in here!
Hello Infinitians,

I would like to announce the 3 winners of the Event ''The difference is cool'' since we did this today, MrDev and me. So the 3 winners are the following:

1st place : !!HADES!!
2nd place : Jehovah
3rd place : m$.DeFeNCe

Congratulations for the winners and also for everyone who participe on this event, it was amizing, really thanks!

Pics & Videos:











I'll plan to make it every month and improve much more the event, peoples will have to come with ugly name, ugly guilds to have more chances too, next will be more fun, but this one was amazing!
Will be hosted one more time saturday 26/10/2013, i'll update the hour in here later but probably will be after CS, get ready :)
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