Forum account Graf has been banned.
Reason : Racism in chatbox
Duration : 3 days
Proof : Click me
*Many of you can count this action as a racism towards to religion, others you might not. Here in forums we have people from Israel and they are Jewish. Behaviors like this will be punished, religion is something that we must respect and not making fun of it. He might posted that as a joke, but we all know that we can't make jokes with serious things like religion. I've talked with a Moderator for this case and we both agreed that Graf should be punished for this action, we can clearly understand his point.
Thank you,
InfinityMU Staff
Reason : Racism in chatbox
Duration : 3 days
Proof : Click me
*Many of you can count this action as a racism towards to religion, others you might not. Here in forums we have people from Israel and they are Jewish. Behaviors like this will be punished, religion is something that we must respect and not making fun of it. He might posted that as a joke, but we all know that we can't make jokes with serious things like religion. I've talked with a Moderator for this case and we both agreed that Graf should be punished for this action, we can clearly understand his point.
Thank you,
InfinityMU Staff
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