Banner made by Delvill
A Critical Call of Duty!
Extreme Hide & Seek
Event Description :
Everyone in the battlefield is considered as a hindrance to victory.
Because in the end, there should be one and only winner to be declared.
It means, you will have to face everyone not excluding your party mates.
Mechanics of the event :
This event will have 5 Rounds.
Staff Members will be hidden somewhere in Server 1 in random maps.
Each Staff member will announce the map separately.
Your task is to Find them and Trade them in order to recieve a prize.
Location, Date and Time of the Event :
Server 1, Monday 25th of December 2023 - Regular CS time!
4:00pm UTC+3
-Click Here-
No hacks
No Bugs
No Exploits
No Summon
No Teleport
No Tracemarry
No Teaming up
System for Evaluation :
The whole duration of the event will be duly recorded.
Screenshots will be taken with a clear and visible name of the winner.
Prizes will be added by the host right after the event.
Moderator prizes will be added by Head Event Master on her own scoreboard.
Full list of winners will be updated in this thread after the event is finished.
Prize(s) :
Random Uber Accessories
+ 3 IMES per Staff member
Brought to you by:
Infinity MU Staff Team