Hi Again!!! Im just here to suggest/request for a tiny thingy thing!!!! Regarding about the Poll Votation Im asking my self if Why they only allow Staff's to vote for a specific thread/Poll. I know that Resistant already explained regarding on the POLL VOTATION http://forum.infinitymu.net/showthread.php?65848-Event-Polls-Information and I do understand his point of View How ever Isnt Interesting to add everyone to join also for us to feel that we are a part on this community. And regarding about the SPAM or DUPLICATE VOTATION its easy to check/locate there individual IP's.
NOTE: This is only a Suggestion If you are here to Curse or Blame You DOnt need to Comment or Reply You are free to Keep it your Self...
NOTE: This is only a Suggestion If you are here to Curse or Blame You DOnt need to Comment or Reply You are free to Keep it your Self...