Does Infinity work with win7?
i also use Windows 7 Ultimate (32bit) i didn't had blue screen but the game works for me only in compatibility mode - Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5) you can try it too..MUGUARD KnowledgeBase
1. BSOD / Computer Restarted when starting mu client.
Reason : Mu Client is started with compatability mode.
Solution : Remove mu client compatability mode in client shortcut/program properties.
2. Client simply close upon starting without even reaching the loading screen / opening the mu window.
Reasons : Debugger is present, DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is set to all programs and mu client is started with limited user.
Solutions : Close all debuggers before starting client, set DEP for essential windows programs only (system properties > Advance Tab > Performance Setting Button > Data Execution Prevention Tab) and run mu client with admin level (run as Admin in Vista/Win7).
3. In Windows XP Game Client crashes (alias Don't Send error)?
Right Click InfinityMu Shortcut or mu.exe (located in infinitymu root folder)
Compatibility >Compatibility Mode >Check this Box (Run this program in compatibility mode for) > Windows 2000
Your OS is Windows XP x32 Service Pack 2. Try updating it to Service Pack 3.
If client still crashes then problem is your OS. Try re-installing it.