Good Day, does the server and staff need update? Yes, I think this is the right time to make a new update here, When every time i open forum i always see Staff Report. I think this is the right time to Start a new and fully updated server and staff, i'm not saying remove all GM's and HGM i think they need to re shuffle for HGM position
i wasn't here for long... but there isn't a problem about TGM's or GM's or HGM's, the current staff is alright how it is... it isn't about the staff people... it is about the players... i think all of the GM's or any staff members deserve the position ... they are old members and they know what's happening around... they know the players more then us....
it doesn't need to be started from ZERO again.. as long as Venci knows about them...
Maybe counting them ..and the number of the staff members do not increase or decrease...
6 GM's and 1 HGM.... and keeping this number always ... not in + not in -
the number of Mod's should be half 3 Mod's and 1 LEAD MOD not in + not in -
and always keeping the same number...
now depends of each Administrator... if he wants 10 then it would be 10
and all the new RULE'S has been made must be publish to all so every one know's how to play this game and make friends. this is only my suggestion guy's don't take it serious.
always the new rules has been published... you have to read everyday the forums.. so in this way you gonna know the new things added. ... but finally isn't so hard .. giving clicks and search for the thread with the rules.
maybe a suggestion about doing 1 single post.. with all the rules... and every time that post should be EDITED instead of posting a new post .
another suggestion could be :
Only HEAD GAME MASTER should announce the Staff TEAM updates for GM's
Only LEAD MODERATORS should announce the staff team updates for Mod's....
only 1 person should announce it.
and there are lots of things that shall be done...About USER TAG... for me it looks weird to have more then 1 TAG... you are MOD,GM or Idol? how i saw on others..... just keep only 1 USER TAG .. is nicer. I saw on different servers this thing but this was along time ago.. and people started to fight for this.. they wanted VIP+support tag + another tag.. and looks weird in the left side.. it isn't a nice idea.
PS: this was my first impression ... after a break....