Denied Appeal SO KURWA why my and MTF acc are banneed?

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MY Friend Ref.... gave me pasword and login too account( now i know. memorise account). So i GAve BM for PROPHET and i played in this acc. U all know 7 ubers why no play there?. MTf play in my acc KryjRYj. LOL why im Banned? And MTF too? its the same ip?

im dont stupid i can change ip, is not problem for me. LOL i dotn knowit about this acc was stolenn rly LOL and Memorise is my Bro. He dont tell me about scamm. LOL . ANd Memorise willl preceded me in this appeal. IM SURE.

im NOt THIEF -.- i have rules in my life not like otcher....

By Wkurwiony.
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