GOLDEN RULE: "Only cutest and amazing SS's are allowed for this thread"
Our lovely GM's Team on Illusion's Temple after the CS
ExitiuM "Madara'sFAN" :ninja:
Sm0keN "daHandsome" :idea:
Zack "daSexiest" (tuhieu)
ZNAKE "daCoolest" :daydreaming:
Honesto "daCatcher"
FTW in all the SS's my face is covered by the Zack's wings XD and Alexz too lawl
-- U P D A T E D -- now MageDragon has joined the party!
Your wishes are orders make some screenshot together with the Mods? :">
Zack "daSexiest" (tuhieu)
ZNAKE "daCoolest" :daydreaming:
MageDragon "daPedo" :Randy-Emoticon:
-- U P D A T E D -- By ALEXZ <3
JEZUS WTF --" xhahxa
-- U P D A T E D -- SuperDev & ZNAKE at Illusion Temple Room!
Honesto and Mage O_O
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