Hello dear Infinitians,
After the sad news yesterday,today we got some good news.Due to hard work,competent actions and extremely kind person, Sm0ky was promoted to Head Game Master
And one more good news to follow it,due to his dedication and non stop work, Fault is promoted to Fault the well deserved position of Test Game Master
Good job guys,keep up the good work,you deserve these positions a lot.
Let's congratulate them,everyone.
After the sad news yesterday,today we got some good news.Due to hard work,competent actions and extremely kind person, Sm0ky was promoted to Head Game Master
And one more good news to follow it,due to his dedication and non stop work, Fault is promoted to Fault the well deserved position of Test Game Master
Good job guys,keep up the good work,you deserve these positions a lot.
Let's congratulate them,everyone.