1. Name: Olivia Napatal
2. Age: 19 years old.
3. Sex: Female
4. Place of residence and GMThilippines, GMT+8.
5. Languages (list them from most fluent to least): English and Tagalog.
6. Do you know how to moderate vBulletin forums? Yes, i know how to moderate vBulletin forums.
7. Are you moderator to other forum/server right now? Nope i'm not.I'm loyal to my home server which is InfinityMU Community Forums.
8. Why do you want to become a moderator? What strengths do you posses that will help you fulfill you job? I want to experience how to be a moderator specially to me home server which is InfinityMU Online Community Forums.I think my age is already qualify to be a moderator also my english is well and i have general knowledge in-game.I have lots of courage/endeavor posses me that will help to fulfill my job as a moderator.
9. Why should we choose you over other candidates?
I have some helpful and useful ideas/suggestions that can help to improve our community more than we have now.
10. Anything else we should know?
I am willing to help and to serve my home server without being paid(free service).In small way i already help my home server.I will do my best to be a good moderator to everyone.Expect me to be more active, helpful, friendly, obedient and kind to everyone.
What about my request area? Don't worry i will keep open my request area and continue helping gfx team by granting forum members request at the same time.
Hope you will approve my application.
Thank you!
More power and god bless!
2. Age: 19 years old.
3. Sex: Female
4. Place of residence and GMThilippines, GMT+8.
5. Languages (list them from most fluent to least): English and Tagalog.
6. Do you know how to moderate vBulletin forums? Yes, i know how to moderate vBulletin forums.
7. Are you moderator to other forum/server right now? Nope i'm not.I'm loyal to my home server which is InfinityMU Community Forums.
8. Why do you want to become a moderator? What strengths do you posses that will help you fulfill you job? I want to experience how to be a moderator specially to me home server which is InfinityMU Online Community Forums.I think my age is already qualify to be a moderator also my english is well and i have general knowledge in-game.I have lots of courage/endeavor posses me that will help to fulfill my job as a moderator.
9. Why should we choose you over other candidates?
I have some helpful and useful ideas/suggestions that can help to improve our community more than we have now.
10. Anything else we should know?
I am willing to help and to serve my home server without being paid(free service).In small way i already help my home server.I will do my best to be a good moderator to everyone.Expect me to be more active, helpful, friendly, obedient and kind to everyone.
What about my request area? Don't worry i will keep open my request area and continue helping gfx team by granting forum members request at the same time.
Hope you will approve my application.
Thank you!
More power and god bless!
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