why the server always is so LAG!?
if there were no Lag, the server would be more entertaining, please if you LOVE the server Gm's And Staff, We need a solution.
Thanks for your time.:snooty:
I don't get any lags or DC (for now), check your connections or download game booster, anti lag, something else (it really helps).
Also alot of players get DCed and we don't know the reason. Just check your connections. or ^
why the server always is so LAG!?
if there were no Lag, the server would be more entertaining, please if you LOVE the server Gm's And Staff, We need a solution.
Thanks for your time.:snooty:
Most players have lags because of their connection or computer.
If you specify what's your problem we might help you. If it's an computer problem more percents to help you, if it's your internet then you have to get better one.
Server does not have lags. Everyone saying this, not only I.