38 thats all@Chivas. Im selling Browii & Tyr Pen = 45Rows
20 rows eachOffer
20rowsoffer Arthur Pen 117/102
Good morning sir. I have arthur 102 . Later pm me ingame after my breakfast thankyou.20rows
Hi boss , still need arthur pen for 20 Row ,if still need i have lets meet ingame20rows
117? Check pmHi boss , still need arthur pen for 20 Row ,if still need i have lets meet ingame
Its low dura sir117? Check pm
Make it 75W for my 100k GC ?B>100K GC = 70rows
Make BTA. TradeS>uber herra+myne= alviss prometheus or offer
2x Arcane staff
2x vengeance shield +dd
Agnis ring 102=kantata wind or offer
What do you have bossBoss hera/myne = what uber set you want?
Check my store boss for ubersWhat do you have boss