Make classic sets with T2 or T3 uber option (but still retain mixed T1 sets)

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April 30th , 2019
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I would like to suggest T1(classic) sets to have same option as T2 or T3 uber ancient option. I know this would take alot of work and update for @RESiSTANT, but I think this would help server get new donations with new players and especially old players. Moreover, we don't need to upgrade T1 mix uber sets we can retain them as is, and just add another batch of classic sets (for example: Excellent Miks Dark Phoenix Set) but with T2 or T3 ancient option. This would help players have choices of sets instead of just buying (4) T3 Uber sets for each class, and this would look good when we are all in stadium with different sets but same option. I know we can change the skins in data folder. But I think it's better if you are wearing the real deal set :D

Tell me what you think guys :D

P.S. Me and @Keith would be the first in line to donate for these sets :D. Thank you @RESiSTANT for your go signal to post this :blueheart:
Suggestion is good. More interaction/playing time (asking what set is it). If this will be implemented i guess it will take time, which is perfect time for current t3 fun depreciation + it wouldnt hurt the market economy. Just our wallets :P
Classic Set is old but Gold.
Hi, i like your idea, not only adding the classic sets (dragon/DP) but can add as well Lucky Uber sets with same options as T2 or even t3 with tests, and in that way the donations can grow and make our community continue being better

Don't pay attention to summoner and RF sets

Yes I thought of the same idea, instead of updating old sets. Can just implement an upgraded versions of them.

And I would make it even harder to get for example, first you would have to get the normal T1 set and then meet some requirements / hunt some items to get an upgrade / exchange your T1 set.
I think the combination of the ideas here is just terrific, I would say that just bringing up Lucky sets (That are just so good to the eye, so freaking gorgeous :love:) into T2 balance stats or maybe even T3 (there is a decision to be made there but i think that making it equal to T2 is a good choice since there is only 1 choice in T2 for each class) could be just wonderful. I think many of us will surely try to get them making a good apports in donations to the server. Incluiding the exhange policy that @Toby is stating, because those items required to do the exchange will move again the market and bring up more movement and good things in my opinion.

Ofc we need to be understanding that this is a good amount of work and we have to be patient with @RESiSTANT works trying not to PM about releases or something everyday.
Definitely love to see Lucky Uber Sets in IMU and "upgraded" version of T1 sets! I'm sure everyone love the classic T1 fashion. @Toby exchanging idea is good too, giving players something new to hunt/do in game. Count me in! 💰🤗🍻
Yes I thought of the same idea, instead of updating old sets. Can just implement an upgraded versions of them.

And I would make it even harder to get for example, first you would have to get the normal T1 set and then meet some requirements / hunt some items to get an upgrade / exchange your T1 set.

this one is a good idea..
Yes I thought of the same idea, instead of updating old sets. Can just implement an upgraded versions of them.

And I would make it even harder to get for example, first you would have to get the normal T1 set and then meet some requirements / hunt some items to get an upgrade / exchange your T1 set.

This idea is great, for in-game experience it would make the server more fun and active. But I think right now we need more $$ (donations) to the server more, right? Easiest way is just make T1 sets with T2 ancient options (sorry im so biased with just owning a new dark phoenix set hehe). It would also be less complicated for @RESiSTANT, all you gotta do is donate via webshop, then boom easy money = easy new set, no need for requesting trade items and all.

But still @Toby and @*KoNaTa* 's idea are great.
This idea is great, for in-game experience it would make the server more fun and active. But I think right now we need more $$ (donations) to the server more, right? Easiest way is just make T1 sets with T2 ancient options (sorry im so biased with just owning a new dark phoenix set hehe). It would also be less complicated for @RESiSTANT, all you gotta do is donate via webshop, then boom easy money = easy new set, no need for requesting trade items and all.

But still @Toby and @*KoNaTa* 's idea are great.
i agree, but yet they just launched idk how many sets for the donation and yet people are asking for newer stuff..., What toby said would help both, the server activity and the donation aswell
i love this suggestion ... players can play with there favorite set even its only T1

Good Luck
Everybody likes MU ONLINE due classics BK, SM, ELF... sets. Like Dragon, legendary, storm crow, adamantine... but no. Here is reverse.
Here u play S3 with WTF ugly sets, and all of cool sets = useless. Nice.

I have other idea to try balance that.
T1 = ++attack —defense
T2 = +attack -defense
T3 = —attack ++defense
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