just playing in internet cafe Shop.i wonder why i cant connect now
Maybe the problem is with the internet provider of the shop not Infinity sir.hello Sir far as i know im the only one playing infinity mu in that Shop.i just only use my USB/Flashdrive to play that cafe cause no gamer of infi in that cafe..last few days before and DDoS attemp my gaming in that cafe is okey but after tha DDoSer and solve the problem i wonder why i cant connect.i try to play another cafe and i can problem is the net cafe that i cant connect is the only one net cafe here in my place have a good connection. please help me >.<
and u can also ask if the access to isnt blocked after the DDos and if the provider allows the connection thereHello.
I checked your IP and there are plenty Blocked users.
My advice: change your Internet cafe, since all users of this IP is prohibited for reasons of weight. or if anyone can help, good for you.
Thank you.