Game Update [GAME UPDATE]19th of March 2018

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January 28th , 2016
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Thank you Lelouch for the banner!

Hello Infinitians and welcome to our Draconite Expansion!
We are proud to present you the Lore of MU World combined with one of our most successful and unique events!

The Rise of Darkness
Niflheim Edition

Below you can read the full story of the game for your general knowledge:

MU Online Story

The Prophecy

The Heavens shall open again, the Stars will lose their way, and Fear descends upon the earth. A saint awakens and destroys the Seal of Chains. Ravenous teeth shall I Love InfinityMU the land, the land! Tis cruel! Crimson Blood stains the ground.

Under the Sun, The 8 Jewels of Legend and Lore shall appear, and Satan will have arisen. . . Heed these words ye wise man! A day shall come upon which the soil shall 8 Stars be affixed, Nightmare's Day shall it be called when Heaven's Rays divide the sky and echoing wails ring in the Valley of Death, and a light will come down upon this land from the world once forgotten.
The King of Blood

Antonias, the Prince of the Black Knights, was nearing the realization of his foolish ambitions.

"MU shall be mine and mine only! Foolish, pitiful men, look upon my might as I break the Seal to my destiny."
An evil sorcerer named Lemulia had warmed to the foolish Lord and seduced his mind with false hope for Antonias had become sickened and weary of the ceaseless battles between the feudal lords of MU. Lemulia spoke endlessly about a tale of a Great Lord, a Demon, the Devil of Darkness, Kundun who had existed 1000 years ago before the MU Empire was born. She spoke of how those who allayed themselves with the Dark Lord would be masters of the whole world and not merely an empire or a continent. Antonias, blinded by ambition fell easily into Lemulia's ploy. Those who saw past Lemulia's veil of deception, loyal and altruistic advisors were immediately put to death and all that remained was the naive Lord, the evil Witch and cruel, blood thirsty warriors.

The army of Antonias kept laying havoc to the land, conquering the Empire by force under Lemulia's cunning tricks and sorcery, and within time, on the ominous day mentioned in the Prophecy of the Secromicon, the forces of Antonias gathered at Ketthotum. The ghastly, merciless soldiers of Antonias anxiously waited for the moment when Antonias and Lemulia would break the Seal. The wind fell silent and the air was filled with uncertainty as the moments trickled by.

The Shrine of Ketthotum undulated grotesquely. For a brief moment, a look of panic crossed Antonias' eyes. "Is all well, Lemulia?" The Sorcerer Lemulia hidden in a black shadowy robe nodded her head. "Only for the King of Land! The moment is upon us." Antonias' confusion and uncertainty remained but was seemingly satisfied with her reply. Antonias then shouted, "This land shall remain mine for all time." and attempted to touch the Seal of Etramu.

"Om Orakust, Hemiad, Kiratus. Le Al Hokbras, Ektua, Ho."

An unknown incantation spewed from Lemulia's mouth and at the same time a bluish protective curtain surrounded Antonias. At this very moment, the Sealing Stone started to shed light. While Lemulia's incarnation got louder and bolder, a look of madness began to flow and dance in the eyes of Antonias as he stared betwixt upon the jewel. "A little more, a little more..." Antonias' hands were trembling, as he approached the Sealing Stone. The light emanating from the stone began to spasm "just a little more." - Clink! Before Lemulia's incantation had finished, the Sealing Stone shattered. "The King, the King of Blood!!" In the midst of the din of the soldiers' rapturous voices calling out to their master, the Devil of Darkness, Kundun had resurrected. Kundun who woke up from sleep fiercely stared Antonias and shouted, "Now the land is only my own! Only the blood and fear will fill up this land!" And the 8 pieces of the Sealing Stone scattered far and wide to each corner of the vast continent that is MU.

In a millennium's time, the Land of MU has advanced and developed the empire in great bounding strides. However, as foretold in the Great Prophecy, Secromicon, the Continent of MU fell into overwhelming chaos. Great leaders who had once controlled the MU Continent now have fallen low, and the central government; due to the internal strife and warfare amongst power hungry feudal lords, have brought the kingdom asunder and thus the empire crumbled. The millennium of peace and bounty is now a mere memory and dark stains of blood now cover the land. The ravages of war have laid waste to the once beautiful land and the shedding of blood still knows no end. Even now, petty feudal lords endlessly build up their machines of war and futilely attempt to re-establish what once was.

And it was during this time of endless blood letting that the Gates of Hell were thrown open as the blind ambitions of a foolish man had been led far astray.

Antonias a foolish Lord, blinded by ambition, deceived by the evil Sorceress Lemulia, unknowingly let loose upon the world, Kundun, the Devil of Darkness, a demon difficultly confined by the Seal of Etramu.

"Now this land shall be mine again. I have banished Peace for all time… the Sun will no longer shine. This earth shall be mine, and cunning men will be my slaves and cattle."

The Ancient Devil Kundun awake from its long sleepless slumber now walks amongst the living defiling the land with his touch. Amidst the chaos, the stars have lost their course and the stench of fear and blood pervades throughout. Kundun released upon the land his rage and vengeance for his long confinement. Quickly, the now forsaken land of MU has become home to Kundun's minions and for 2 long years the evil of his reign befouled all that was once pure. Nightmare's Day, a passage in the Great Prophecy, had come true and was no longer merely the words of days gone by. Wise men began their studies anew and hopingly and longingly referred to the ray of light mentioned within the writings of the prophecy. Their last remaining hope lay in the power of the seal of Etramu, the very seal that maintained Kundun's imprisonment. Into 8 pieces the seal has been scattered and only when the seal is made whole shall peace return to the land once more.

Lemulia's invasion of Niflheim

After resurrecting the Devil of Darkness Kundun, Lemulia was enthralled by the evil soul of the Devil. By the orders of the Dark Lord he unleashed hell upon the continent of MU. On his path of destruction he reached Niflheim. Once a prosperous and peaceful trading town in the continent of MU it has now became an ice cold, abandoned,lifeless, ghost town. Lemulia and his army destroyed everything and unleashed the coldest storm upon the land. Freezing winds blown the land and snow fell to cover the remains of the brave soldiers. You can only find a desolated and deadly enviroment...
The brave citizens of MU Continent found out that one of the 8 pieces of Etramu Seal is hidden in Niflheim and decided to launch a massive siege upon the town. Driving back the forces of Lemulia would be a heavy blow for the Devil of Darkness Kundun and the city may yet have a chance but Lemulia's spell protects the area and there is no possible way to break the seal and access the area. The incantation prevents living creatures to brake through the magic barricade but there is still hope. A powerfull Summoner by the name of Floki has managed to open a portal through the barrier and send the MU warriors within the cold lands of the wizard. His summoners tribe is looking for a new home but they can't do it without our help ! The summoners tribe pledged alligence to the current King of the continent and if we save their race they shall join us in the battle against Lord Kundun.
Defeating Lemulia will grant us hold of the 1st piece of the Etramu Seal and also grant us a powerful ally : the summoners!

Event Description

Road to the frozen lands of Niflheim:
-Players can warp to the event map using the NPC Floki from Noria (168 108)

-Floki will warp you through the magic barrier in Niflheim

-In Niflheim players must defeat Lemulia's demon guardians

-The demons are protected by minions of darkness

-Once the demons are sent back to the Underworld, the brave warriors must face their creator, Lemulia

Defeating the Demons & Lemulia will grant you Lemulia's Rudebox & Draconite pieces.
The new Draconite Sets Tier 2 are worth 240 Stones (Full set +weapon +shield)

Update log 19th of March 2018 :

-Unique Map
-New Monsters (1 Draconite Monster and the Boss Lemulia)
-5 New Draconite Sets (Tier2)
-6 new Weapons
-5 new Shields
-Draconite Event Expansion (1 new Map+Monsters) and coordinates changed for Aida and Kanturu
-Perseus Dragon Slayer Set animation fix and tweaks
-Asura Sword Graphic Update

-Jewel of Luck/Ancient/Excellent/Skill graphic update

-New "M" warp locations : Atlans 4 and Niflheim
Aida2 and Kanturu2 were removed from the list in order to enhance the Draconite Hunter Event

-Prometheus Grand Soul Set will now use Grand Soul Shield instead of Spellbinder

-Bes Eclipse Set update

-Meskhenet Eclipse Set added
Eclipse Gloves
Eclipse Boots
Spellbinder Shield

Draconite Sets List :

"Poseidon" Vengeance Set SM+ "Poseidon" Vengeance Staff + "Poseidon" Vengeance Shield

"Marduk" Babylonian Set BK + "Marduk" Babylonian Sword + "Marduk" Babylonian Shield

"Cassiopeia Queen" Set ELF + "Cassiopeia" Queen Bow / "Cassiopeia" Queen Sword + "Cassiopeia" Queen Shield

"Moloch" Sacrifice Set MG + "Moloch" Sacrifice Sword + "Moloch" Sacrifice Shield

"Thor" Asgard Set DL + "Thor" Asgard Hammer + "Thor" Asgard Shield

Draconites TIER 2 Ancient Options

Lemulia's Rudebox
Drops : All Draconite Sets and Weapons Excellent with up to 2 Options
All items can be upgraded with Jewel of Excellent up to 3 excellent options.
Jewel of Ancient capability is still enabled but up to 1 excellent option on item.
Only possible way to obtain ancient version of these sets is via the Draconite Event, Jewel of Ancient, Land of Trials and Kundun Relics (Kalima 1-7).
Tier 1 : 120 Draconite Stones
Tier 2 : 240 Draconite Stones

Brought to you by InfinityMU Adminitstration
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March 3rd , 2018
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Home, 2nd floor
With this update and the new box, it drops ancient with excellent option that can be upgraded up to full option? Is my understanding correct or wrong? Thanks for the update Administrators ❤


Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
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Claiming Draconite Tier-2 will be working from the page here: Click Me :doublegun:
You can also see it for more convenience in your web panel @

Cream said:
With this update and the new box, it drops ancient with excellent option that can be upgraded up to full option? Is my understanding correct or wrong? Thanks for the update Administrators ❤

Humiliate me a thousand times with hacks and I owned you once with skills, I think I deserve a
Drops are excellent items and items can be created up to 3 excellent options for now. We will discuss it with the team if we would allow up to 6 options in future. The box is just allowing everyone to possibly make semi uber draconite set ingame, but not just Land of Trials (CS owners).

Also Kundun Relics (Kalima boss) does drop the all new ancient Draconite sets.


December 30th , 2010
Reaction score
With this update and the new box, it drops ancient with excellent option that can be upgraded up to full option? Is my understanding correct or wrong? Thanks for the update Administrators ❤
Nope , they drop draconite items only with 1 opt , u can upgrade to fo set but u cant use ancient jewel.

"Lemulia's Rudebox
Drops : All Draconite Sets and Weapons Excellent with 1 Option
All items can be upgraded with Jewel of Excellent to Full Options
Jewel of Ancient capability is not enabled"


March 3rd , 2018
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Home, 2nd floor
Nope , they drop draconite items only with 1 opt , u can upgrade to fo set but u cant use ancient jewel.

"Lemulia's Rudebox
Drops : All Draconite Sets and Weapons Excellent with 1 Option
All items can be upgraded with Jewel of Excellent to Full Options
Jewel of Ancient capability is not enabled"
Have not read the ancient capability, my bad though. Thanks for the quick reply mate. :)


Photoshop Apprentice
April 28th , 2016
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In Your Heart
I love the new updates in game.

Credits to al lstaff for working hard on this update.


Well-known member
February 28th , 2017
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Cool sets! nice update. Keep it up the good work guys. Thank you for everything :in love:


The God of Poetry
June 9th , 2015
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Now who says infinityMU is boring?????? Please stand up!!! First of all nice update. Second Wooooooooooooow!!! And lastly, keep mqking this kind of future updates for players to enjoy and to spend their quality time playing infinityMU.. grats 5 thumbs up guys!!!


Legends Never Die!!
January 10th , 2010
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Great update. Thanks for the hard working and making such updates real. The best part of it is, bringing people something new to do and making game more play to win.

Edit: Just Devias 4 is missing :-D
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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
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Update 20.3.2018

1. Lemulia drop has been updated. He will reward you with 1 Draconite and 1 Lemulia's Rudebox instead just Rudebox.
2. Erohim, HellMaine & Ancalagon HP has been doubled. Purpose is to increase the currency Draconite in markets and also fight vs bosses in party (guilds etc).
3. All known bugs with the new update was solved.

Lorencia spiders updated:



Best Lawyer baby
August 9th , 2009
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San Gil, Colombia
can someone explain my why the h3ll you are not working with webzen or blizzard? ah?
You have amazing ideas. I´m totally amazed!

No doubts: Infinity is the best server. even better than the Webzen main one.
Congrats friends!


January 28th , 2016
Reaction score
can someone explain my why the h3ll you are not working with webzen or blizzard? ah?
You have amazing ideas. I´m totally amazed!

No doubts: Infinity is the best server. even better than the Webzen main one.
Congrats friends!
We don't work with loosers (kappa)
Webzen were jelly and reported our facebook page and got blocked by Facebook.
We are proud of it even though we lost a long term fb acc with thousands of likes and a lot of content.


September 11th , 2015
Reaction score
Bro, you are absolutely MAD. I am actually speechless. The sets are definitely something new and the lore.. The work and effort put into this is amazing. Since 02-06-2016, 06:28 AM I knew, that you will be an addition to staff team someday, at 02-17-2016, 10:39 AM I hoped you'd get approved as EM, took you another 2 months to get that and you worked for it, I've seen you come, I've seen you grow, and man, I've never been wrong about your intentions and capabilities. You're one of the best things that happened to the place. Cheers to that. Even tho I come here so rarely it's damn nice to see you still kicking and giving this awesome new content to the people.
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