Castle Siege Discussion 21.08.2010 Castle Siege Discussion

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July 17th , 2009
Reaction score
Defending: xVIPx
Ataccking: NewEnemY - ZoneZer0 - VidaReaL

Winner: xVIPx

Again a good CS, better than the other one, couldn't see any one hacking so ^^ I liked this war. Congratz to xVIPx that could defend the crown even if the master was off (or maybe he was using a different character, I don't know), we could get the two switchs many times but it was hard to seal, a lot of DLs had xVIPx today. Stelll and Create4win best holders in my opinion! :D








Congratz xVIPx alliance :P

/Threads merged.
DAmn I posted in that thread but anyway ))

Congratz xVIPx awesome job guyz ! best defense! 2 CSes 2:00 defense

@FULLPKS JusTFoRWaR was using his DL ;)

I will join the next 1 tomorrow i gonna fix my PC ;)
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Lol, nice defense to part OF xVIPx really nice, today we havea "clean" cs^^

FULL u are very faster upping S/S^^

PS: Full u are majesty xD mauaahhaha



I CAN SEE, da champion saying: Trade him xD
1st of all i wanna say , Congratulations To all xVIPx Players ;)
2nd of all , Amazing Switch Holders from rival alliances, Gustavo & Ivan gr8 Job Guys!

We defend the castle for 2:00 Again :) I gess thats a record xD! anyway, it was a :

- Clean Siege
- Fun Siege
- Friendly Siege
- Perfect Siege, at less For us :)

Thanks to all My fellas ;D and Cya In Game & GL Whit incomming Sieges <3

Oooh i almost forgot, on the last 20 Minutes.. NewEnemy + Zer0 + RealLife came as 1 Ally .. but u guys choose the worst sealer xD! .. Our Defense was Too much ))

Some Pictures .. ..




>> Thats our Defense xD!



Cya On the next Siege My Friends ;)


The streak has begun :))
1st of all i wanna say , Congratulations To all xVIPx Players ;)
2nd of all , Amazing Switch Holders from rival alliances, Gustavo & Ivan gr8 Job Guys!

We defend the castle for 2:00 Again :) I gess thats a record xD! anyway, it was a :

- Clean Siege
- Fun Siege
- Friendly Siege
- Perfect Siege, at less For us :)

Thanks to all My fellas ;D and Cya In Game & GL Whit incomming Sieges <3

Oooh i almost forgot, on the last 20 Minutes.. NewEnemy + Zer0 + RealLife came as 1 Ally .. but u guys choose the worst sealer xD! .. Our Defense was Too much ))

Some Pictures .. ..




>> Thats our Defense xD!



Cya On the next Siege My Friends ;)


wow pipo :S what a FUKIN NICE SPEECH !!! U ROCKS MAN !!! TOTTALY TRUE XD! Talkin about porn while we defendindg LOL!!! HAHAHHA XD!!

ok ...
My speech

Now Thanks to ALL xVIPx Members who sat on they'r PC-s 2 Hours to Tryin to defend the Castle.. THanks for the awesomest defending ..

U know guyz ? in this server they're are only 1 Best alliance and 2 Best Guilds here..

The best alliance are xVIPx ..
The Best Guilds are : RoyaLTM <3 Pipo , and DopeBoyZ <3 Piox :)

thats true lol xD

damn i forgot what i was going to say xD (im a lil bit drunk and high lol) nvm

thanks again

xVIPx rulz :laugh::laugh:
xVIPx never was the best and xVIPx never will be the best...!

P.S Congratz
Explain why?
*Becoz we have the best switch holders?
*Becoz we have the best buffers?
*Becoz we have the best sealer?
*Becoz we have the best community?
*Becoz we are loyal?
*Becoz we are the best?
*Becoz we have the best Guild Masters?

OMG..Dude You had like almost 2 hours to register seal, but nothing, I think even i could do it succesfull, even i haen't done it none time :laugh:
Congrats guys :)! xVIPx 4 LIFE =]

Sorry i couldn't be there :/ (Work) I hope i can come next week :D
Explain why?
*Becoz we have the best switch holders?
Give me name:biglaugh:
*Becoz we have the best sealer?
Who if ibrahim no play?:biglaugh::biglaugh:
*Becoz we are the best?
you are not the best

OMG..Dude You had like almost 2 hours to register seal, but nothing, I think even i could do it succesfull, even i haen't done it none time :laugh:
maybe on next CS you try seal with 5 or more DL's
Explain why?
*Becoz we have the best switch holders?
*Becoz we have the best buffers?
*Becoz we have the best sealer?
*Becoz we have the best community?
*Becoz we are loyal?
*Becoz we are the best?
*Becoz we have the best Guild Masters?

OMG..Dude You had like almost 2 hours to register seal, but nothing, I think even i could do it succesfull, even i haen't done it none time :laugh:

*Stelll was in NewEnemY, now I think he's in xVIPx but he's the best switch holder :P
*Buffers?, you only have to click xD that's not something admirable.
*AAdidas and BornToKiLL are the best sealers in my opinion.
*What do you mean with best community? :P
*In that thing you're right, xVIPx has loyal members.
*That's your personal opinion.
*That's your personal opinion.

In the past BaDVoyZ used to own the castle, and xVIPx on several occasions could get the crown with the original JusTFoRWaR. After that it was IForcEI and RealLife the best guilds in the castle with a great sealer as AAdidas from RealLife, it was always between them both, ReaLife won a lot of CSs. After that an "enemy" deleted IForcEI's alliance because she was jealous and after that it was hard to start from 0 for NewEnemY, but soon we're gonna own the castle again. Right now yeah, maybe the current alliance is xVIPx, but don't say that it's the best alliance because even if you guys are really good it's not.

xVIPx is one of the best alliance right now because we're starting from 0 and because AAdidas left and because BaDVoyZ is dead.

I think xVIPx is a great alliance but guys you don't have to think that you're the big deal and the best alliance in the world because every alliance had their own times. BaDVoyZ used to own the castle in the past, RealLife too, IForcEI too, right now it's xVIPx but like I said, soon we're gonna own it again.
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