Staff Team Update 28/09/2022 (Jero)

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Silent Assassin
May 27th , 2013
Reaction score
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hello there everyone.
You might noticed that I was a bit inactive for the past months and every day I'm more and more inactive. With my 2 jobs, Uni, Fiance and taking care of my Grandma while I live with my Fiance in my Grandma's house I'm having every day less and less time to spend here in the forum guiding the mods and taking care of forum matters. I was going to leave before but I did not want to leave the forum unattended. Now that we have a great leader back (Dimer), I can safely step down from my LMOD position without leaving the forum to faith.
I will still be here as Honorary staff doing your Custom Usertitles requests and being of help for any staff member that might need my advice or knowldage. I will be as inactive as I was this months but with another tag and without the preassure and responsabilities that has being the head of a team.
Hope everyone can understand my position and priorities irl but nobody deserves a "lazy" LMOD and lack of time can be easily compared with lazynes and I don't want that for this server.
See everyone arround. I'm not gone, I just changed Ranks :D
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