[2nd Test Game Master Application] Wrathbinge

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Well-known member
August 22nd , 2011
Reaction score
Hello Infinitians,

Today I'd like to apply again for Test Game Master.

Information about myself:

Name: Vicente Peña
Gender: Male.
Age: 17.
Location: Venezuela.
Time zone: GMT -4:30.
Languages: Spanish, English & I understand Portuguese.
Skype: vpsp_1805

Previous App: Click .

Why do I think I'm eligible for being a Test Game Master?

• I'm mature enough.
• I'm a person which like to help much as i can.
• I do my best being creative for new events.
• I'm friendly with most of users, sadly some of them don't like my attitude but i do my best being respectful with them.
• I try to help everything i'm needed.
• I'm that kind of person which feel good helping users with their problems, also with problems no related with Mu Online.
• I don't like hackers, even if they're friends i won't have problems to punish them.

How many time can I spend in-game and in forum?

I can spend 5-6 hours, maybe a bit more.

Experience as a GM?

I just have some experience which i learned from our Game Masters & 100x Game Masters, i have learned from their Events, replies in Report Section and i would
like to learn much more from them. Also i know if i have any kind of problem they'll help me.

Other things about me:

Well, already few weeks passed since my last application where i have been promoted to Moderator rank. I did my best in those days, maybe you noticed it
maybe not, Now i think i showed you all that i changed, i'm doing my best to fulfill your expectations. Maybe you'll ask why you want to become TGM if you are
MOD? Well i have been Moderator for long time and i can say that i have a good knowledge about Moderation and i tried to share it with the new mods. Nowadays the forum
isn't that active, sometimes when i log i dnt find anything to moderate because my lovely pinkies already did the job :x. I think now it's time to advance a bit more,
I would like to help in game too. Also since Tech left the GM team due to him being busy with his life, the GM team lost a good member, if possible I would like the chance to fill his gap and help the team in his place, maybe I won't be as good but I would like to try.

Thank you,
i love your apply... i think you are more suitable as a Game Master....

you have my YES :)...

- you are an old player so ... people knows you already
- i never saw you swearing or having a fight with someone...
- you are an awesome mod
- also Game master
Vicente i know you for a long time and you are a good person. Past is past, everyone can change, like you did. You are mature enough, always asking for team opinion, helpful. There is too many good words i can say about you, but im on my phone and too lazy to type. You have my yes brother.

But you have to promise me something. NEVER ACT LIKE THOSE LAZY GM'S xD

Be like pinkie, because you know the pinkie power :)

Good luck!
Well you're helpful, active, friendly and all the good things you need to be a GM but you joined the mods few weeks before and I think its not the right time, since we have to many GMS and few mods. Well its up to higher Staff to decide, so all I can do is wish you a good luck in your application :p
I told you exactly what would happen if you apply for GM so soon, you're putting me in a difficult position right now.

just 3 weeks ago you became Mod.
I know I'm posting a bit early but I think it's necessary. Nick promoted you to test moderator as a chance to prove to him you could work well, I don't know if he intended for you to join the GM team or not but in my personal opinion I think you deserve a chance. You know the work that needs to be done, you're active and in my opinion helpful as well, yeah you got a lot to learn about maturity and maybe some people skills but that's why I'm here, in terms of other qualifications I think you do fit them. I can't say 100% that you are the perfect person to join the team since fellow staff voiced concerns, specially when an admin has concerns regarding you I can't argue with that but all I can do is professionally recommend you to get a chance at being a test game master, I think you did a good job as a moderator, proved to us you can be active and counted on when needed, through your events and activity on the forums. If you were accepted I’d train your a*s to make you one of the best GM’s possible, if your not accepted I’d expect you to stay on the moderator team and continue working with 100% the same effort’s we’ve seen so far.

Remember what Madhater said, Game master isn’t a higher position or anything, a moderator is the equivalent of a GM, the only difference is one’s on the forums and one’s ingame, so you should be proud that you’ve been 1 of the 2, it means Nick trusted you in a big role.

I think my opinion is clear, I’m a yes on the basis that IF Nick is satisfied with your application. I believe you deserve a chance and overall, I believe you earned the chance to attempt being a test game master.


You're not yet ready to take on Game Master's responsibilities.

You better consult me next time before you decide to post an application.

Good luck next time.

Infinity MU,
Administration Team.
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