Hello fellas ,peeps and ladies. As the title says , it's a little suggeestion , exactly it will look like a question , plagiarism of the thread which has been created by Resistant with the theme of ,,Busy guild Names,,
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Can i have your opinions about it guys ?
Thanks for Reading ,
Regards <c>Shredded
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This deal has been made only for guilds so i would like to ask if it is possible to do the same with NickNames !? Because many people uses nick names and stay inactive in order to get it busied.Of course , unlike Guilds , Nick names are really many , so thats the only case confusing me. On the other hand , the literal meaning of these 2 burdens are the same so why not to do this ?RESiSTANT said:http://forum.infinitymu.net/showthread.php?89772-Busy-Guild-Names
Can i have your opinions about it guys ?
Thanks for Reading ,
Regards <c>Shredded
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