About the new update

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Ares* a.k.a Bl00dS33K
October 21st , 2012
Reaction score
Philippines Makati City
May i suggest that just that make it 30 resets instead of 1gr because 30r is the reset for having max stats and we all know that voting system abusers are lazy and they just make account and don't use it for leveling and vote but it can reduce the problem.I suggest this because leveling up is a waste of time i only reset my character for stats thats why i don't have gr.Because this was so unfair to us innocent people .If u disagree on my suggestion why don't just make the change name and change class allowed to be bought by credits.TY
Yea agreed with this one 1gr will take too much time of us :3 maybe 30 resets or 25 may do :3
It's not about abusers going to be lazy and abusing credits , it's about people always trying to find easy steps in order to reach a goal,
and want to be achieved by doing nothing exactly.30 Resets is low at all. However, you have to try hard in order to get something
To think about this suggestion and edit something so it would have catch people's attention
Since I saw it my eyes someone made 20 accounts x 10rr per character in each account I believe 30rr is okay for abusers too. How hard is to make GR? You will earn more credits and be able to use the exchanging function from there on. The system doesn't took your GR. It's just one-time requirement.

+1 to Horizontal post and thanks for understanding.
yes i understand but reseting your character took so much time why dont make a function like when u type /reset ur character will reset so it can't take much time and my only and maybe other's problem in the new update is the time it will take to get 1 gr so maybe it can help
no pain no gain
yes i understand but reseting your character took so much time why dont make a function like when u type /reset ur character will reset so it can't take much time and my only and maybe other's problem in the new update is the time it will take to get 1 gr so maybe it can help

You are wrong. It doesn't take much. It's just few clicks more and that few clicks are solving lots of performance and reset bugs problems on the server. It takes few seconds to switch server then login in your web panel and click reset character. You can do that even without logging and keeping your session for every reset. I see the discussion goes to offtopic. It's all about the new update right? So keep discussing about the exchange function please. If we think there's need for custom commands ingame we would have applied them so far.
1 gr is kind of good. Why? When you GR you get gold credits and you can use the time trade while doing Gr after all you earn credits while doing GR. Just do one its not much plus if you say is boring do it with your friends. if no friend want to do it with you, you can pm or find me I can help you
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As it has been answered in a very propery way by RESiSTANT and other community members, the answer to this is obvious, there is no more room for discussion, thus i will close this thread.

Thanks for your Suggestions & Feedbacks to keep the community and game a fun place for you all!
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