Name: Louis
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Location: Philippines
Timezone: GMT+8:00
Languages: Filipino,English
Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator/GM?
PS,This is 1 of the most important thing,best if this is longer and more detailed,the best is to speak what comes from the heart(dooh I just sounded gay.
- I've come from a broken family , which is my mother and my father are living in a different places,they only come to philippines when they had their vacations.
when i was 15 yrs old, ive already worked on a fast foods,waiter,and on a clothing shops just to get money for my school, since at the age of 15, i know how to became responsible,be on yourself,
being independent,coz if i do nothing,im dead and then i cant play infinity,if i dont work,i cant buy my own computer,and i dont have anything to eat..
- I'm good at making friends,listening to people's problems,giving advice for their family,friends,relationships.
- I am friendly,cheerful,fun to be with,i love to hang out with my friends,open minded,communicative.
- I'm always here if you need me,there are many ways how you can contact there will be no problem if youre looking for me.
- I am willing to learn new things such as doing GM tasks.
- I'm Loyal,Honest, and a good listener.
Amount of time I can spend in forums?
- 4 to 6 hours a day, when im online at ingame, my forum is opened.
Experience in vBulletin?/Experience in MU(MuTime,how long have you played)
- yes,not just vButlletin,other forum types ive already know./4 yrs this coming june.
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? No.Im loyal and stick to one(which is stick to infinity)
Other things: Ive just remade this coz i want to share my experience in life,trying to prove that im useful.nothing more,nothing less..
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Location: Philippines
Timezone: GMT+8:00
Languages: Filipino,English
Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator/GM?
PS,This is 1 of the most important thing,best if this is longer and more detailed,the best is to speak what comes from the heart(dooh I just sounded gay.

- I've come from a broken family , which is my mother and my father are living in a different places,they only come to philippines when they had their vacations.
when i was 15 yrs old, ive already worked on a fast foods,waiter,and on a clothing shops just to get money for my school, since at the age of 15, i know how to became responsible,be on yourself,
being independent,coz if i do nothing,im dead and then i cant play infinity,if i dont work,i cant buy my own computer,and i dont have anything to eat..
- I'm good at making friends,listening to people's problems,giving advice for their family,friends,relationships.
- I am friendly,cheerful,fun to be with,i love to hang out with my friends,open minded,communicative.
- I'm always here if you need me,there are many ways how you can contact there will be no problem if youre looking for me.
- I am willing to learn new things such as doing GM tasks.
- I'm Loyal,Honest, and a good listener.
Amount of time I can spend in forums?
- 4 to 6 hours a day, when im online at ingame, my forum is opened.
Experience in vBulletin?/Experience in MU(MuTime,how long have you played)
- yes,not just vButlletin,other forum types ive already know./4 yrs this coming june.
Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? No.Im loyal and stick to one(which is stick to infinity)
Other things: Ive just remade this coz i want to share my experience in life,trying to prove that im useful.nothing more,nothing less..