Adikzix GM Application

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August 15th , 2009
Reaction score
Name: Louis

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Location: Philippines

Timezone: GMT+8:00

Languages: Filipino,English

Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator/GM?
PS,This is 1 of the most important thing,best if this is longer and more detailed,the best is to speak what comes from the heart(dooh I just sounded gay. :D)

- I've come from a broken family , which is my mother and my father are living in a different places,they only come to philippines when they had their vacations.
when i was 15 yrs old, ive already worked on a fast foods,waiter,and on a clothing shops just to get money for my school, since at the age of 15, i know how to became responsible,be on yourself,
being independent,coz if i do nothing,im dead and then i cant play infinity,if i dont work,i cant buy my own computer,and i dont have anything to eat..
- I'm good at making friends,listening to people's problems,giving advice for their family,friends,relationships.
- I am friendly,cheerful,fun to be with,i love to hang out with my friends,open minded,communicative.
- I'm always here if you need me,there are many ways how you can contact there will be no problem if youre looking for me.
- I am willing to learn new things such as doing GM tasks.
- I'm Loyal,Honest, and a good listener.

Amount of time I can spend in forums?
- 4 to 6 hours a day, when im online at ingame, my forum is opened.
Experience in vBulletin?/Experience in MU(MuTime,how long have you played)
- yes,not just vButlletin,other forum types ive already know./4 yrs this coming june.

Are you a moderator or GM right now on any forum or server? No.Im loyal and stick to one(which is stick to infinity)

Other things: Ive just remade this coz i want to share my experience in life,trying to prove that im useful.nothing more,nothing less..
Whoah dude this sounds kinda like Aquatic's application ^^ :thumbsup:
@ thx guyz, ive just share my experiences in life thats why it looks like aquatic's appli ;)
Other things: Ive just remade this coz i want to share my experience in life,trying to prove that im useful.nothing more,nothing less..

So you didnt make this to be a GM or Mod hu?
u ddnt get my point. Ive post an application before.but it ddnt work out,and im trying to be useful,and i think this time i ll give it a shot if it works. gets?
I vote yes,I know you long and well enough and I think you might be eligble to this job,but your motivation,looks like Aquatic. KIU
Ur complaining about ur hard life ..yet u want to waste ur time on a damn game? You wanna be A GM??? while u working ur ass of just to get a bit food? OMFG .. This is the most stupid application ive ever seen.. I wish u good luck in ur RL but for ef sake.. how can u be so pff .... im speechless!!!
Have you ever been work on a small shops ? if not,try it. and you will know what im talking point in that 1st reason is, ive learned alot of things, how to become responsible enough,be an independent person,and how can u help your parents without asking money to them. coz i hate to ask money to my parents and go buy not like that.coz im not spoiled. get it ? ;)
and FYI, infinitymu is my past game, so whenever im bored,nothing to do,off school, im playing here @ infinity.
Speechless, this post made me realized what is happening on other people's lives in anywhere or any part of the world so this made me think of it what will happen if im in that situation

THINK BEFORE YOU POST we talked about it last time eh?

I dont care about ur experience and ur job atm at small shops whatsoever, coz ur not the only one working infinitian here.

Spoiled? So you think when lads go to school and being supported financially by their parents will spoil them? Whatever u meant, there are ppl younger than u and working to feed their own parents.. so f ur chitchat... So did I pay for my freaking PC..and most of us i guess. Afterall ...I was talking about ur ´´if i wont work i die´´ thingy .. and there u want to add more GM responsibility to take care off at the same time. Im sry ..but u sound more likely like faker to me.. 1 thing is working to have a life 2 thing is playing onl games and talking bullshit. (sry for stupid expression)

To noob15: This is not a philosophy lesson. If u wanna get smarter, go to school. Its a Game as for GM application. What u sayd haz no point at all. Sensless in 1 word.
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[Edit: Jantsux] Don't use the c word kkay? Wanna get it then get it and die.

Stop the spam.
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PS,This is 1 of the most important thing,best if this is longer and more detailed,

-Yea about the application question like what i quoted here
there`s no thing it say what is the most imporant or deatailed in your life

like what you said here :

ow can u help your parents without asking money to them. coz i hate to ask money to my parents and go buy not like that.coz im not spoiled. get it

-I think the answer will be related in game too not in real life :p
we are talking about the game not in real life

-by the way i`m only a Member you can ignore my message here if you want
This message is only my opinion :p
Just to note that you have more possibility to became staff by creating your own form of introduction.

But make sure to read the truism first.

-like what resi said,create your own form of introduction.
-so if its about ur life,or in mu related. its up to you on how you will make your own introduction..
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-PS. if ur rejected,dont flame the other members who think you know them ;)

Rejected in ??

-so if its about ur life,or in mu related. its up to you on how you will make your own introduction.

Yea you can make your own introduction but it supposed to be it related in game :p
You don`t need to write here about your life because you think staff have mercy ?
No lol it will base on your knowledge in game same with the forum
and they we will know it based too if what your applications sounds like and what
your commenting about the players complaining about your application :p

Just want to say Goodluck

If you have response about my comment just keep it private :p
like what i said above i`m only a member you can ignore my message if you want
The HGM will decide if youre still eligible for being GM or staff

btw Thanks for reply
thanks for opinion..btw ill just wait for the decisions :yuushh:
I have to agree with HateMe because your answer in "Why do I think I am eligble for being Moderator/GM?" is your real life,also you don't answer if you got any experience on being GM....Oh no wait you do.

- I am willing to learn new things such as doing GM tasks.

I am sorry but as resi told before,we are not here to teach because we are not a school,we need experienced staff that know how to do the job.
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