Banned Account: ajmd04
Chars Involved: Kael0217; Gargamel2; K43L0417; Kaela0217; MGKael0217.
Ban Reason: Selling Account For Real Money
Ban proof:
Account is for sell from InfinityMU for $45 USD. If you wish to have this account we accept donations via PayPal and Western Union. Please contact if you wish to have this account. We offer free change of character names and email. Items cannot be transferred to other account. Only the Credits can be transferred by request and free of charge. The account has the following credits:
Credits 116,227
Gold Credits 1,867
All characters have full stats and resets. One from his characters have almost completed Achievements.
Items in this account:
Chars Involved: Kael0217; Gargamel2; K43L0417; Kaela0217; MGKael0217.
Ban Reason: Selling Account For Real Money
Ban proof:
Account is for sell from InfinityMU for $45 USD. If you wish to have this account we accept donations via PayPal and Western Union. Please contact if you wish to have this account. We offer free change of character names and email. Items cannot be transferred to other account. Only the Credits can be transferred by request and free of charge. The account has the following credits:
Credits 116,227
Gold Credits 1,867
All characters have full stats and resets. One from his characters have almost completed Achievements.
Items in this account: