- Alexandre Aka Every1 knows me as Alexz.
- Male.
- Soon 18 Years old ! yupii !
- Portugal - Europe.
- GMT+0.
- Portuguese RockStar :b, And English(Not Bad).
- You guys, are wondering, why Im doing this. Well, Im Doing This, because , I hate Spam, And I hate People who break the Rulez, Like Spamming In Applications, Like some1 Will on this one.
- I want to Make Forum Looking better, In Posts/Threads, WhatEver !
- I have some Experience as Moderator, and as GM too. So thats why.
- 3 - 7Hours, After School. Not at Wekends I Guess.
- Well, I Already been in another foruns Moderator, so I have Some Experience.
- I Play Long Time Mu(4-6 Years?), And Already Been GM Too.
- No, I Wish to be accepted in Infinity Mu Network.
* Someorther things,
- I Got Demoted as GM coz of a Stupied Think, And now, i know, Boss is the Boss. And ya, I changed, So , Accept me Back :b
- Male.
- Soon 18 Years old ! yupii !
- Portugal - Europe.
- GMT+0.
- Portuguese RockStar :b, And English(Not Bad).
- You guys, are wondering, why Im doing this. Well, Im Doing This, because , I hate Spam, And I hate People who break the Rulez, Like Spamming In Applications, Like some1 Will on this one.
- I want to Make Forum Looking better, In Posts/Threads, WhatEver !
- I have some Experience as Moderator, and as GM too. So thats why.
- 3 - 7Hours, After School. Not at Wekends I Guess.
- Well, I Already been in another foruns Moderator, so I have Some Experience.
- I Play Long Time Mu(4-6 Years?), And Already Been GM Too.
- No, I Wish to be accepted in Infinity Mu Network.
* Someorther things,
- I Got Demoted as GM coz of a Stupied Think, And now, i know, Boss is the Boss. And ya, I changed, So , Accept me Back :b
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