(h) Valentine's Month | February Top 10 Voters (h)
Aww February! month of love, it's time to share good times with these special people that somehow or other were able to change our lives and in the same way, we also felt happy and grateful to have you all, for that reason and as expected, the InfinityMU Staff Team on behalf of our lovely administrator RESiSTANT, will show our love to all of you with this amazing event of the Valentine's month, happy days so good luck and have fun!
You can see the winners directly from the website, just follow this link: CLICK HERE! currently the "Top 10 Voters" is not updated, so once our administrtor reset the Top you could watch live players that have voted more times, the first place will receive a wonderful surprise and the winners of second and third places will receive amazing items of their own choice.
(h) Valentine's Rewards:
This is a chance that very little is presented, therefore you must not miss so go and vote many times and get this wonderful award, we recommend you to vote twice a day, from 12 to 12 hours, don't let miss this great chance to win a Uber Set for free and many more prizes, many times players don't vote for "X" reasons so don't deserve this opportunity, however you can change that, go and tell this great announcement to friends in-game.
Thank you,
InfinityMU Staff Team.
You can see the winners directly from the website, just follow this link: CLICK HERE! currently the "Top 10 Voters" is not updated, so once our administrtor reset the Top you could watch live players that have voted more times, the first place will receive a wonderful surprise and the winners of second and third places will receive amazing items of their own choice.
(h) Valentine's Rewards:
(h) Valentine's Winners:Top #1 = 1 Full Uber Set of your own choice.
Top #2 = 1 Full Opts Set of your own choice.
Top #3 = 2 Full Opts Swords of your own choice.
Top #4 up Top #10 = 2000 Credits for webshop.
[B]# CHARACTER VOTES REWARD + [COLOR="red"]Valentine's Rewars[/COLOR][/B]
1 JhunDy 340 XXXX + 1 Full Uber Set
2 Ninfa24 324 XXXX + 1 Full Opts Set
3 RenZelle 300 XXXX + 2 F.O Swords
4 1stEspada 299 XXXX + 2000 Credits
5 Jhunny25 294 XXXX + 2000 Credits
6 11thZaraki 289 XXXX + 2000 Credits
7 inari 280 XXXX + 2000 Credits
8 tHeDaRkdL 277 XXXX + 2000 Credits
9 madigne 275 XXXX + 2000 Credits
10 kingun 275 XXXX + 2000 Credits
Thank you,
InfinityMU Staff Team.
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