Any Help?

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[ Vincent Paul ]

November 1st , 2012
Reaction score
Why is it an elf cant use defend skill?
because Elf Shields don't have defend skill, and they just can't. It's how it was designed by WEBZEN
so whats the point of buying item skill in webshop if you cant use it in game?
Dude, you can't even buy shield skill for elf shields in WEBSHOP!


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Ofcouse you cant with Elven shield. Try buying Elemental shield bro. Try it in game if you can ^^,
I checked, the other shields and turns out that you are right, we can buy Defend Skill for it XD
Why the hell do they have that when Elves can't even use Defend skill ?? jajajaja

Thanks for the information bro, this minor webshop glitch should be reported :smile:
I Hope Admins can fix this :D
Defend skill are only available on DLs, BKs, and MGs. You can't use the defend skill with elf i think so.
ELFs can only use there buffs and heal, and other summonings maybe, as their Skill Defence Mechanism. XD!
Elf's cant use defend skills,
Elf's designed for buffs and support character,
this server won't be balance server
DL and BK rocks in this community
the other characters are for assist only.

In MU History you can't see the elf used defend skills, aight?(cuz designed by: WEBZEN)
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