Game Master Team Recruitment Application thread (Open Staff position)

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February 13th , 2019
Reaction score
Hello, dear Infinitians!

the main priority of being a GM is to communicate the players needs to the rest of the staff, and to improve the overall experience of the game.
We game masters, provide support for players concern and game related inquiries. We handle reports and give punishments to those who violate the game rules. We conduct regular bug investigation, exploits & hack testing and game item assessment (uber set and weapons imbalancement) and provide better solutions to ensure player satisfaction and quality gaming. We plan, create and innovate game rules and procedures to keep the community clean from cheaters. The game masters evaluate critics, feedbacks and suggestions from the player community for better game improvements. And we plan and assist game events to give fun for the community.

As a new recruit you will start a test trail of 31 days in Test Game Master position. if you pass the trial period you’ll be promoted to full Game Master.

What we expect from you:

  • Communications skills: Since English is the main language known by almost all Infinitians, knowing how to talk/read/write in English on at least Intermediate level it’s a must. Advanced English is a plus.
  • Team player: Improving and creating ideas, discussing situations/reports is a team’s job.
  • Proactive: in finding solutions, ideas and in helping others.
  • Fair play. Know when to make a difference between your job as a GM and a friend who’s been breaking rules.
  • Good knowledge of the game (InfinityMU) and its custom features.

What do you get in return:

  • Friendly team that will help and guide you.
  • A chance to gain experience as a staff member while working side by side with experienced members!
  • A chance to build and develop your reputation in the server.
  • A chance to shape our community and server for the better. we are here to improve the overall experience of the game.
  • Access to all the potential future updates (also one's in progress ), and help develop them.
  • A chance to join the senior team in the future after showing commitment, confidence and your learned knowledge for long period of time.
  • And lets not forget, Huge opportunity to work in one of biggest and oldest MU online server.

Here are some things which will lower your chances at success.
Read them, and memorize them well. This list will slowly dissect mentioned issues, take your time to read them.

  • I've been a GM on other servers: A common reason, or rather "qualification". Please do note the inverted commas. Nobody cares for the experience in those servers. Here, this is a different community, a different server. Commands, NPCs, players' needs and wants. They're all different. So please do not use your experience in other servers to justify yourself. Besides, if you have obtained GM status there, why are you applying for the job here? It just shows your lack of devotion, a definite negative for you.

  • I can help players by answering their queries: Everyone else can do that. Have you seen players aid each other through megaphones? You don't have to be a GM to help others. So please do the necessary.

  • Post count: This is a relatively tricky one. Although a low post count does not necessarily mean inactivity, a single digit post count should show your lack of activeness. You could have been one of the most active players in-game but your lack of awareness about the forums will dampen your chances. The fact is that most updates are posted here, so I'll advice you to go get yourself some posts and establish yourself before posting the application. Of course, you do so without spam.

These are stuff you must avoid. Don't bother coming here again, if you ignore this. You'll only ruin whatever repute you already have.

  • Post an application that is your 1st - 5th post.
  • Insult or ridicule.
  • Worthless self-promotion via bashing.
  • Poor grammar.
  • Arrogance + Poor personality.
  • Make empty promises.
  • Copy and paste an application from another server.

Q: Do I get paid?
A: You get paid on a monthly basis with Uber Items depanding on your activity in each month.

Q: What kind of powers do I get?
A: Forums: moderator powers.
Discord: GM status with ability to warn / kick / ban / few moderation powers.
In-game: ban, DC, skins/invisible, godmode, teleport, trace, global messages, event rewards.

Please follow the format. You may add any additional information at the end of your application.
Discord is a required form of communication for any staff member.

  • Name & IGN: real name + main character
  • Guild: (if any)
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Country + Timezone: the country you live in and its timezone.
  • Discord ID:
  • Languages: mention your level of fluency for each.
  • Ban history:
  • Previous Staff Applications: (add links)
  • Experience on InfinityMU:
  • Availability during a regular week: think of your work / school schedule, only add certain availability.
  • What are your biggest weaknesses?
  • What are your biggest strengths?
  • Why should we hire you?

Keep in mind that if we sense there is a lack of effort put into your application, your chances of approval significantly decrease. Do not post previous experience in the format.
So in short, quality over quantity. Bear that in mind.

Thank you.
Main char: SAURON ( formerly KADRE )
Does it have a pilot: Yes/No: NO
If it has a pilot, who is it: N/A
Helpful threads: None ( I'm more focus on the game )
Were you ever banned: Yes (insult)
3 Positive things: 1st. Born Leader and a Follower 2nd. Persistent to achieve and accomplish certain goals and objectives. 3rd. Pro-Active I always want to find ways to resolve issues rather than being part of the issue itself.
5 Negative things:1. I smoke cigarettes 2. I drink liquor and beer 3. Heavy Eater (but not gaining weight) 4. Some time's strict when it comes to implementing House rules . 5. Not the right person to go to when it comes to budget and finances.
Main language: Filipino and English
Time Zone: GMT + 8
What can you mean for the GM team?
I can help the GM team by sharing my ability and skills as a good leader, a follower and as a good example to my fellow Infinitians. I am more than willing to help the team in finding ways on how to make our server the most desirable in the gaming community. Not only reaching for what we had in the past few years but surpassing those achievements that we had by improving the standards and quality of the service that we have and exceeding the expectations of all the Infinitians.
Say something about yourself:
Hi My name is Kristofferson Dy. I am 43 years old and I've been in the game since 2019, however I've been playing the game since 2006. I am a Filipino, a father of 5 wonderful kids that are like me they also love online games. I am working as a Technical Support Supervisor of a Business process outsourcing company here in the Philippines. I graduated from the University of the East Manila, I took A.B Political Science Major in Public Administration (Pre Law) , however I was not able to pursue my dream of becoming a Lawyer. Instead I was inclined working in a Contact Center. I have handled people with different attitudes and from different walks of life and I am happy because I was able to learn how to deal with their attitudes, issues, problems etc. I am providing coaching sessions and mentoring and giving out advice on how can they improve their abilities and skills. Like in our game we encounter different people from different countries with different cultures and attitudes, and being that said armed with the experience that I have, I am sure that I am the right person for the job.
Main char: SQLi (BK) /Dser (SM) /Reported (DL) /Hellenic (ELF)

Does it have a pilot: Yes/No:


If it has a pilot, who is it:

Helpful threads :
My opinion; MudFish VPN

Were you ever banned:
Yes 2 times:

-Staff disrespect (Forum acc):
-TP Bug Abuse:

Positive things:

Honest / Straight forward
Easy going

Negative things:
I got limits/thresholds
Honest / Straight forward
I am getting frustrated
Too logical
I rarely like chit-chats

Main languages: Greek( Native) and English
Time Zone: GMT + 11

What can you mean for the GM team?

I can be from Pillar until ghost.
Mostly depends of the roadblocks, resources, and of course my personal life.

I want to extend those 3 keywords.

Roadblocks specific with 2 main dependencies, people and knowledge
-People, if i am getting "crickets" as responses, then soon or later - i will loose my interest.
-Knowledge, if being a GM is far away of my existing knowledge and i can't actually do any change i will loose my motivation.

I want to test things. Debug Things. Improve things. And i don't have the resources.

Personal Life
Well, not much to explain here, its more than obvious. My hobby is a part of my life and not my life.
MU is and will be a hobby for me, so i prioritize it as hobby

Say something about yourself:
My name is John, i am 25 years old, living in Sydney (Straya' mate) and I am Web Developer/Designer.
I used to play MU as a kid at the internet cafe, when the private server was a "miracle" and it was season II.

Now, I want to play MU once again, but unfortunately now days are not so pure anymore. I don't like bugs/hacks etc...The main reason for my application is to actually assist regarding those.
In fact, If i have all the req resources on server "10" in a way it will still do the job; besides of that, i am happy to assist players, troubleshoot issues, work on improvements and help the mods on "growing" the forum.

Let me know if you need any other info
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@Mr305 you got a other forum account banned for fake report : Report thread and then you have this linked to you : thread you also got a ban on spam: thread
By this what we found and you did not spoke about it in your application you will be denied. we dig everything out, related to your mails used and names and etc.

@kadre you forgot to mention your banned forum account and ban for macro : thread so by this you also will be rejected.
Not telling about the macro ban and the appeal how you asked a refund after you failed obvious.
@Mr305 you got a other forum account banned for fake report : Report thread and then you have this linked to you : thread you also got a ban on spam: thread
By this what we found and you did not spoke about it in your application you will be denied. we dig everything out, related to your mails used and names and etc..

that TRO CraziiBM was not mine sir ..
and that TRISKELION account was not mine ..
i started to play here since 2014 sir and 2015 here in forum
and that thread made my icebreaker was 2011 :)
Can'T Blame you sir if you think that account was related to mine .. But the word TRISKELION is called to a member of Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity .. i guess im not the only one triskelion here in our community :) happy to know it :)

but about the spamming, yah now i know :) forgot about it since its not that heavy

by the way thanks a lot sir :)
More Power and Godbless
@Mr305 you got a other forum account banned for fake report : Report thread and then you have this linked to you : thread you also got a ban on spam: thread
By this what we found and you did not spoke about it in your application you will be denied. we dig everything out, related to your mails used and names and etc.

@kadre you forgot to mention your banned forum account and ban for macro : thread so by this you also will be rejected.
Not telling about the macro ban and the appeal how you asked a refund after you failed obvious.
Yes I admit that I did not mentioned those things in my application because I am Assuming that you are aware of it and you you will ask it in a formal interview, I thought that this is just a preliminary flat form for the application and that you will have an extensive inquiry with us individually ( if there is ) so I reserved all the remaining information for that. However I would like to thank you for the opportunity that I have had, more power to InfinityMU and I will still continue to support and play as usual and I will continue to abide with the rules and regulations of the game thank you.

Main char: Signe (elf)

Does it have Pilot: No

Helpful threads:

Were you ever banned: Yes, but it was a misunderstanding which got cleared and forgotten.

3 positive things: Helpful
Honest, candid

5 negative things: Easily discouraged
I get lazy sometimes
Thinking too much
Cursing sometimes in my native language

Main language: Czech (native), english, little bit of russian

Time zone: GMT+1

What can you mean for GM team? New ideas for better gaming experience, new breath

Say something about yourself:

My real name is Jana and I'm from Czech republic. I'm turning 31 in just a few days. I used to play MU with my brother, where I learned about online gaming. Got back to MU online few years ago and in Infinity MU I found so many new friends.

I'm rather closed-up type of person, but when you manage to get to really know me, you will learn who I really am.

Anyway... I have a job in a warehouse that's connected to car manufacturing company, so my time is limited (I usualy spend 12 hours away from home due to work and travel) and I can be most active on weekends.

I hope this is enough informations for the aplication... You can always ask for more info.
Main char:

Does it have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I can't find any helpful threads, but i've been in some of the Staff positions before. By the time i was in the Staff team, i was helping on my own way towards the development of the community and by posting some rules that can be seen as of today. I can provide some of them.
Click here
Click here

Also i can provide some of the Staff Team Update threads which i was promoted to a position.
As Lead Moderator (November 2013)
As Event Master (September 2015)
As Game Master (October 2015)
As Moderator (March 2017)
As Moderator 2nd time (January 2018)

Were you ever banned:
Yes, my forum account was banned back in 2013 but i really can't remember the reason behind that. The only thing i could find after searching the forums was this thread.
Click here

3 Positive things:
Open minded : I consider myself as an open minded person. I am willing to listen in other people's ideas, beliefs, suggestions and ideas and also discuss about them.
Helpful : I really like to provide my help no matter what the problem or the situation could be. It just makes me feel good.
Friendly : Happiness comes from friendship! I am really friendly person even to the people that i don't know much about them.

5 Negative things:
Honest : Sometimes i can be so honest that will make people feel uncomfortable. It's common that truth hurts.
Hard working : Hard work pays off but it can be dangerous sometimes! Considering working hard makes you giving less priorities to things that really matters in this life.
Loyalness : This ability has led to trusting people blindly. This is never a good thing.
Defensive : I am easily put on the defense if someone attacks me or a belief I hold to be true and factual.
Forgiveness : I forgive but i never forget.

Main language:
Greek / English

Time Zone:
Standar time : GMT +2 Athens, Greece
Summer time : GMT +3, Athens, Greece

What can you mean for the GM team?
As i mentioned previously i have been in this position before. I have to admit that i had a really big break from online games for a big amount of time, but as you might noticed i started playing Infinity MU for about 2 weeks now. -It's a big love, once you play here you will always come back no matter when-. I am willing to help and provide my knowledge into the community once again. I know that things have might changed a little bit and i might need to refresh my memory for some things. Most of the current Game Masters have a lot more experience than me regarding this position nowdays, so i am sure that next to them i will learn even more things related to the game but i can also expand my knowledge. In this paragraph i don't want to say common things that most of the applicants write such as "improve the community,help the players, etc". Those things must be done by default without even mention them, it's your duty somehow.

Say something about yourself:
Most of you might know me but this is a good opportunity to introduce myself to the people who have no clue about me. My real name is Vangelis, i am 26 years old from Greece and i am currently working as Customer Care Representative at Vodafone ™ Greece. I have one dog and two cats and i really like to spend most of my free time playing with them! My big passion is custom computer hardware and of course gaming.

Thank you for reading my application,
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@Wintwi try to be more active ingame and forum,
as helpfull thread you posted a hello thread, when what i asked was what helpfull did you do for the server. These can be small things.
as i see you only have 4 reply's and 1 thread, i would this is a no go for now, but dont be scared, just be active, show that you want it, and maybe we can start by giving supporter tag so you learn other stuff also so you can grow.

@Dser and @Insomniak we still are looking in to you guys.
Thread going to be closed. it will be re-opened over 6 Months or later.
THread is reopen, read the first post very good. as its all based on trust and truth you share what gives higher chances.

ALL applications will be reviewed With DORAEMON and other higher staffs.

Good Luck and dont be scared.
Because every 1 seems to be scared here some points for getting higher succesrate:

Point 1: if its posted after I have eaten, I wont eat you :)
Point 2: Be Clean about your FULL history of your iMU time.
Point 3: Tripple read your application before you press reply.
Point 4: if you'r scared start to whistle while you are writing your application.
Point 5: read the first post and see what to provide.
here is a picture for those who love to watch pictures:
Main char:

Does it have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I have no helpful threads at the moment since I recently joined in January this year. If accepted or not I can give helpful tips and answers in the forum and in-game, through technical needs and other stuffs.

Were you ever banned:
Yes, I have been banned due to Trashtalking with my old character which is I will not provide due to its bad name, I made that character for trolling since I am still exploring games that I will play, I never expected that I will be hooked instantly by this server. I have been searching and I think gm @DORAEMON banned me which I can`t find the thread since I have no forum that time.

And recently, almost for having a bad name.

3 Positive things:
Discreet - I am very careful in my words and actions because I don`t want to have problems to emerge from the actions and decisions I made. I tend to verify all aspects first before having a move and giving decisions.
Optimistic - I am always open for future changes and other stuff. I embrace change.
Affable - being a friendly guy, I am a person that you can easily talk to.

5 Negative things:

1. Sarcastic
- I am TROLL type of person. I always troll a person I find interest in which sometimes I find it funny even its hurting the person.
2. Conceited - Yes the exact meaning of this word is me. But hey, people change.
3. Impulsive - As you can see I have been breaking some rules on the forum which you can review because of this attitude. I tend to do things without reading and thinking which contradict my positive trait discreet. My impulsiveness is greater when I want something as soon as possible making me 4. Impatient.
5. Lazy -

Main language:
English / Filipino

Time Zone:

What can you mean for the GM team?

Another mind for decision making.. Yes I can provide another mind in a team based decision making concerns and problem to be easily solved. (More minds is better than few) Another one is I can do technical assistance and other related stuff. Honestly I`m new on this Game Master stuff but hey what are experience are for. :)

Say something about yourself:

I am Van Fontanilla from Philippines, I am a full time Project Manager / Software Engineer in a consulting company for hospitals here in the country. I love travelling and taking pictures. I work from 8 am to 5pm daily from Monday to Friday. I spent almost all my free time AFK on ATLANS and in checking the forum If there are questions and queries that in my power I can provide answer and solve. :) Thats all... and yup i love food.

Thank you for reading my application.

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Main char:

Does it have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I have no helpful threads at the moment since I recently joined in January this year. If accepted or not I can give helpful tips and answers in the forum and in-game, through technical needs and other stuffs.

Were you ever banned:
Yes, I have been banned due to Trashtalking with my old character which is I will not provide due to its bad name, I made that character for trolling since I am still exploring games that I will play, I never expected that I will be hooked instantly by this server. I have been searching and I think gm @DORAEMON banned me which I can`t find the thread since I have no forum that time.

And recently, almost for having a bad name.

3 Positive things:
Discreet - I am very careful in my words and actions because I don`t want to have problems to emerge from the actions and decisions I made. I tend to verify all aspects first before having a move and giving decisions.
Optimistic - I am always open for future changes and other stuff. I embrace change.
Affable - being a friendly guy, I am a person that you can easily talk to.

5 Negative things:

1. Sarcastic
- I am TROLL type of person. I always troll a person I find interest in which sometimes I find it funny even its hurting the person.
2. Conceited - Yes the exact meaning of this word is me. But hey, people change.
3. Impulsive - As you can see I have been breaking some rules on the forum which you can review because of this attitude. I tend to do things without reading and thinking which contradict my positive trait discreet. My impulsiveness is greater when I want something as soon as possible making me 4. Impatient.
5. Lazy -

Main language:
English / Filipino

Time Zone:

What can you mean for the GM team?

Another mind for decision making.. Yes I can provide another mind in a team based decision making concerns and problem to be easily solved. (More minds is better than few) Another one is I can do technical assistance and other related stuff. Honestly I`m new on this Game Master stuff but hey what are experience are for. :)

Say something about yourself:

I am Van Fontanilla from Philippines, I am a full time Project Manager / Software Engineer in a consulting company for hospitals here in the country. I love travelling and taking pictures. I work from 8 am to 5pm daily from Monday to Friday. I spent almost all my free time AFK on ATLANS and in checking the forum If there are questions and queries that in my power I can provide answer and solve. :) Thats all... and yup i love food.

Thank you for reading my application.


SOme points you pointed out of your negative is stuff to be worried, but as you spoke out the truth you get the chance.
We also notice your in forum help support to the players that has been seen.

From the moment you reply to my PM and i have seen it a staff update will be made with all the info towards the players.

And welcome.

This thread is still open for others who wanne try out.
Main Char :

Does I have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I belive i dont have any helpful threads , i just have some threads in feedback and suggestion section and always my intentions
was good .

Were u ever banned:
Yes i have some bans for trashtalking insults and spam , but i never crossed small red line and broke more serious rules ...

Positive things :
-Im not lazy im stubborn and also i love challenges...
-I have no idea what opinions i have but im a friendly and good guy
-I respect own words , always what i say that will hapens
-Im not just a talker ,, U are not just a talker you are observer you observe everyone and everythink and when need ,u are the first one who fast react " my close person tell me this abaut me and just happy :D
-I will not say im a professionalist but i still learn how be (in life and in work ) everytime when i start somethink i always try end this perfect
-Lialibity , yes thats true
i will say more words , if u want know more abaut me then observe me

Negative thinks :
Im ,,hot blood'' guy , all stadium know me ... when somebody provoce me i will not leave this and i start long pk pk and pk and when i down i start blah blah talk.
If somebody know more negative thinks feel free to tell.

Main langue :

Time Zone:
GMT +2

What can u mean for the GM team:
I need only test trial , your advice and lessons and i can offer my help and support , and i will try work professionally and care this work as my second job.

Say somethink abaut yourself:

Im Rafał Ptaszyński from Poland, i work in renovations , i work from 8 am to 5 pm , If im online you can find me afk in lorencia or in goldens ,white wizard or in BC events , and this reason i reply this threat . I want not only afk but start do something.
Main Char :

Does I have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I belive i dont have any helpful threads , i just have some threads in feedback and suggestion section and always my intentions
was good .

Were u ever banned:
Yes i have some bans for trashtalking insults and spam , but i never crossed small red line and broke more serious rules ...

Positive things :
-Im not lazy im stubborn and also i love challenges...
-I have no idea what opinions i have but im a friendly and good guy
-I respect own words , always what i say that will hapens
-Im not just a talker ,, U are not just a talker you are observer you observe everyone and everythink and when need ,u are the first one who fast react " my close person tell me this abaut me and just happy :D
-I will not say im a professionalist but i still learn how be (in life and in work ) everytime when i start somethink i always try end this perfect
-Lialibity , yes thats true
i will say more words , if u want know more abaut me then observe me

Negative thinks :
Im ,,hot blood'' guy , all stadium know me ... when somebody provoce me i will not leave this and i start long pk pk and pk and when i down i start blah blah talk.
If somebody know more negative thinks feel free to tell.

Main langue :

Time Zone:
GMT +2

What can u mean for the GM team:
I need only test trial , your advice and lessons and i can offer my help and support , and i will try work professionally and care this work as my second job.

Say somethink abaut yourself:

Im Rafał Ptaszyński from Poland, i work in renovations , i work from 8 am to 5 pm , If im online you can find me afk in lorencia or in goldens ,white wizard or in BC events , and this reason i reply this threat . I want not only afk but start do something.
As i wanne give every 1 a chance, even you. there are some points why it wont be happening now.

Does I have a pilot:
so i asume that after you gets promoted a pilot will show up.

Positive things :
1-im stubborn
2-I have no idea what opinions i have but im a friendly and good guy
3-I respect own words , always what i say that will hapens
4-Im not just a talker ,, U are not just a talker you are observer you observe everyone and everythink and when need ,u are the first one who fast react " my close person tell me this abaut me and just happy :D
5-Lialibity , yes thats true
6-i will say more words , if u want know more abaut me then observe me
i worked withnumbers on this 1.
1: Dont see this as a positive thing, means you wont work around it and will remain the same as you are what can give errors.
2: Every 1 has a opinium, and as i observed you already, friendley and goodguy i think i need a microscope for finding this :)
3: this is also not a positive thing, because your way of working can be difrend from the rules we have.
4: THis make no sense. you could just said you are a social guy.
5: this is also not a positive thing.
6: I observed you alot. not every thing is good not everything is bad.

Negative thinks :
Im ,,hot blood'' guy , all stadium know me ... when somebody provoce me i will not leave this and i start long pk pk and pk and when i down i start blah blah talk.
If somebody know more negative thinks feel free to tell.

This list can be alot longer if you swapped things from positive to negative.
Also getting in a fight after getting provoked isn't the best thing, you should work on this.

What can u mean for the GM team:
I need only test trial , your advice and lessons and i can offer my help and support , and i will try work professionally and care this work as my second job.
Well this is kind of strange you only want test trial. ( trial is a test :) )
also its not as a second job, The staff team is as a family, we have our difrends but togetther we work as 1.

in short, you have some work points that are pointed above.
There should be alot more helping info given towards players forum and game based.
You need to respect every 1 of the staff team.

If there becomes a big changes in those things, you can try out again next time when the thread will be re open after this 1 will be closed. ( end of the month this thread will be closed.)

point 1: Find your real positive and negative points.
Point 2: work on your inner peace.
Point 3: Be helpful towards any 1.
Point 4 and last point:
wanne be active ingame, Join EM team, as GM team works alot backstage on projects and edits that cosume alot of energy and time.
Seeing staff position as a job is negative. because you need passion for it.

Only applications can be posted here.

Others has still time till the end of the month to post a application.
Main Char :

Does I have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I belive i dont have any helpful threads , i just have some threads in feedback and suggestion section and always my intentions
was good .

Were u ever banned:
Yes i have some bans for trashtalking insults and spam , but i never crossed small red line and broke more serious rules ...

Positive things :
-Im not lazy im stubborn and also i love challenges...
-I have no idea what opinions i have but im a friendly and good guy
-I respect own words , always what i say that will hapens
-Im not just a talker ,, U are not just a talker you are observer you observe everyone and everythink and when need ,u are the first one who fast react " my close person tell me this abaut me and just happy :D
-I will not say im a professionalist but i still learn how be (in life and in work ) everytime when i start somethink i always try end this perfect
-Lialibity , yes thats true
i will say more words , if u want know more abaut me then observe me

Negative thinks :
Im ,,hot blood'' guy , all stadium know me ... when somebody provoce me i will not leave this and i start long pk pk and pk and when i down i start blah blah talk.
If somebody know more negative thinks feel free to tell.

Main langue :

Time Zone:
GMT +2

What can u mean for the GM team:
I need only test trial , your advice and lessons and i can offer my help and support , and i will try work professionally and care this work as my second job.

Say somethink abaut yourself:

Im Rafał Ptaszyński from Poland, i work in renovations , i work from 8 am to 5 pm , If im online you can find me afk in lorencia or in goldens ,white wizard or in BC events , and this reason i reply this threat . I want not only afk but start do something.
As i wanne give every 1 a chance, even you. there are some points why it wont be happening now.

Does I have a pilot:
so i asume that after you gets promoted a pilot will show up.

Positive things :
1-im stubborn
2-I have no idea what opinions i have but im a friendly and good guy
3-I respect own words , always what i say that will hapens
4-Im not just a talker ,, U are not just a talker you are observer you observe everyone and everythink and when need ,u are the first one who fast react " my close person tell me this abaut me and just happy :D
5-Lialibity , yes thats true
6-i will say more words , if u want know more abaut me then observe me
i worked withnumbers on this 1.
1: Dont see this as a positive thing, means you wont work around it and will remain the same as you are what can give errors.
2: Every 1 has a opinium, and as i observed you already, friendley and goodguy i think i need a microscope for finding this :)
3: this is also not a positive thing, because your way of working can be difrend from the rules we have.
4: THis make no sense. you could just said you are a social guy.
5: this is also not a positive thing.
6: I observed you alot. not every thing is good not everything is bad.

Negative thinks :
Im ,,hot blood'' guy , all stadium know me ... when somebody provoce me i will not leave this and i start long pk pk and pk and when i down i start blah blah talk.
If somebody know more negative thinks feel free to tell.

This list can be alot longer if you swapped things from positive to negative.
Also getting in a fight after getting provoked isn't the best thing, you should work on this.

What can u mean for the GM team:
I need only test trial , your advice and lessons and i can offer my help and support , and i will try work professionally and care this work as my second job.
Well this is kind of strange you only want test trial. ( trial is a test :) )
also its not as a second job, The staff team is as a family, we have our difrends but togetther we work as 1.

in short, you have some work points that are pointed above.
There should be alot more helping info given towards players forum and game based.
You need to respect every 1 of the staff team.

If there becomes a big changes in those things, you can try out again next time when the thread will be re open after this 1 will be closed. ( end of the month this thread will be closed.)

point 1: Find your real positive and negative points.
Point 2: work on your inner peace.
Point 3: Be helpful towards any 1.
Point 4 and last point:
wanne be active ingame, Join EM team, as GM team works alot backstage on projects and edits that cosume alot of energy and time.
Seeing staff position as a job is negative. because you need passion for it.

Only applications can be posted here.

Others has still time till the end of the month to post a application.
Main char:

Does it have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I think not, because I am only active in the game often

Were you ever banned:
I have never been banned

3 Positive things:
I don't know how to get angry. Because my personality is very gentle
I don't know how to offend anyone or a certain group. Because if when I start insulting another person, it means I turn myself into a impolite, uncivilized, uncultured person.
I don't know discrimination, racism or a certain country. Because to me, when we join a community, we are all the same players. There is no reason to hate or dislike any individual or group

5 Negative things:
I'm a little lazy sometimes. but actually I'm lazy because I don't know what to do at that time. Or rather, if I don't have anything to do, I'll fall into a time when I'm lazy
My English is not very good. I can't speak English directly, but I can understand what people write and I can reply to them in writing. I am not confident when I speak English, But I have many years of experience using google translate, to talk to foreign friends and play games. So I can answer those who need help with any questions. ( Only what I know of course xD )

Main language:
Vietnamese / English

Time Zone:

What can you mean for the GM team?
I have too much free time, and I don't know what to do around that time. I've been slowly getting bored with practicing BK combos on AFK players every time I'm online. I wanted to make myself useful, I helped many players understand the Character they were playing, so they became stronger. But besides the good players with their own strength, there are always cheaters. and I want to help the GM team get those unclean things off our playing field. I myself do not have the ability to create a good playground, so I want to try my best to contribute with the staff to build a good community. I have no experience working in a GM team before, so I am looking forward to trying my hand at that position. ( if possible xD )

Say something about yourself:
Hello everyone, my name is Trang but you can just call me Yeon because almost everyone is used to that name.
My gaming motto is: hard training is the only way to become stronger and earn the respect of other players.
You can be stronger than cheaters if you train properly and hard
Ask me what you want to know, I always share what I know for players who always want to strive. And it's free !!!

Thanks for reading it all !!!
Main char:

Does it have a pilot:

Helpful threads:
I think not, because I am only active in the game often

Were you ever banned:
I have never been banned

3 Positive things:
I don't know how to get angry. Because my personality is very gentle
I don't know how to offend anyone or a certain group. Because if when I start insulting another person, it means I turn myself into a impolite, uncivilized, uncultured person.
I don't know discrimination, racism or a certain country. Because to me, when we join a community, we are all the same players. There is no reason to hate or dislike any individual or group

5 Negative things:
I'm a little lazy sometimes. but actually I'm lazy because I don't know what to do at that time. Or rather, if I don't have anything to do, I'll fall into a time when I'm lazy
My English is not very good. I can't speak English directly, but I can understand what people write and I can reply to them in writing. I am not confident when I speak English, But I have many years of experience using google translate, to talk to foreign friends and play games. So I can answer those who need help with any questions. ( Only what I know of course xD )

Main language:
Vietnamese / English

Time Zone:

What can you mean for the GM team?
I have too much free time, and I don't know what to do around that time. I've been slowly getting bored with practicing BK combos on AFK players every time I'm online. I wanted to make myself useful, I helped many players understand the Character they were playing, so they became stronger. But besides the good players with their own strength, there are always cheaters. and I want to help the GM team get those unclean things off our playing field. I myself do not have the ability to create a good playground, so I want to try my best to contribute with the staff to build a good community. I have no experience working in a GM team before, so I am looking forward to trying my hand at that position. ( if possible xD )

Say something about yourself:
Hello everyone, my name is Trang but you can just call me Yeon because almost everyone is used to that name.
My gaming motto is: hard training is the only way to become stronger and earn the respect of other players.
You can be stronger than cheaters if you train properly and hard
Ask me what you want to know, I always share what I know for players who always want to strive. And it's free !!!

Thanks for reading it all !!!

As your application is interesting and you are willing to learn.
I will denied this GM application first.
But as discussed with the Seniors, and our trial GM, you will be supporter first. for learning the touches in report section, how everything is handled.
And so we can check how you act and react to stuff.
As alot of your posts are joking around.
We wanne see how you handle it.
So its not a real denied its a 50% denied :)

As what to do as supporter will be given to you in private.

Take Care and good luck :)

to others this thread will be closed for some months, when reopen it will be annouced.
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