Forum Account : ArcticArrow
Duration : Permanent
Reason : Multiple Account Abuse (ZeitGeist)
Note : This is not the 1st time you abuse multiple account, you create POTTER 1 month after create ZeitGeist, I didn't issue infraction because the account didn't activated and here you go make the same thing again, so this accounts are purposely created.
Duration : Permanent
Reason : Multiple Account Abuse (ZeitGeist)
Note : This is not the 1st time you abuse multiple account, you create POTTER 1 month after create ZeitGeist, I didn't issue infraction because the account didn't activated and here you go make the same thing again, so this accounts are purposely created.
14.Multiple accounts
• Penalty:
- 1st = Banning all accounts except main and Infracting the user
- 2nd = Banning all countsi including main