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September 11th , 2015
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This is suggestion that can be prefixed as both game and forum suggestion, but it is more about the game, but happens in forum.

Suggestion is to create something like auction. Main idea is, that people can add items in auction either in site, either give them to any EM / GM and create thread afterwards. Bidding for items can go for 1 up to 7 days, depends on seller, he himself can say, for how many days the item will be auctioned. For instance I want to sell my Erinys set +P that is currently on sale in elf market section, there is an offer of 32w, if someone will outbid that stake with 33w, the current buyer must bid more so he can actually get the set. As the thread is closed, the highest bidder gets the set, meets EM / GM that has the set, trades the set for winds, later on the seller meets the EM / GM to get winds that he collected. The thread itself can be created only then, when EM / GM has the item / items that seller is selling to avoid seller deciding that he is not going to sell the items. After giving them to EM / GM, set will not be able to be retrieved, only in the case of not a single bid being placed for the items. The seller himself is the one that decides the starting price for items he is selling. There, of course, should be some restrictions, rules and so on, but since I am not in charge of anything, I will not be the one to actually decide all of that, but I would most certainly be glad to help to improve the auction itself if this gets approved, of course. Then there should be another section in site, not only for the market, but another section that is called auction, where everyone can see active items in auction. This could improve sales of S4 / S7 sets, Uber accessories. Would be foolish to offer full bank of items, that is too much work, so one player should be allowed to sell 1 full trade of items in 1 week to avoid abusing of this. So, what ya'll say? :)
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January 28th , 2016
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I like the idea, maybe we can develop some web thing for auctions.
Think about this some more even if "you are not in charge" :D
Simple yet effective config please. This can also help avoid the scams. We could also use gold credits as currency...i dont know lets put it on paper and see how it looks.
September 11th , 2015
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Alright, I will write down how would everything look in site (I have put a thought about use of GC also), and how would it all look in forum, but forum seemed more efficient to me. Tomorrow I will have a bit more free time in work, so in about 15,5 hours I will have it ready and it will be posted here, but, if you want, I can also PM you the detailed version of this suggestion.


July 17th , 2009
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Its a good suggestion also there need to be a some kind of seller protection. When the buyer is bidden lets say 40 winds and he cant afford it (he only has 30) or when he decline the buy afterwards. They need to get on a blacklist or some kind of way that they lose some kind of amount of items and those will come in a secure bank. And at the end of a month those items can be bought in package with Gc or some kind.

(I know kwaithex you know what i mean xd i'm to tired for full explanation xD )
September 11th , 2015
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Its a good suggestion also there need to be a some kind of seller protection. When the buyer is bidden lets say 40 winds and he cant afford it (he only has 30) or when he decline the buy afterwards. They need to get on a blacklist or some kind of way that they lose some kind of amount of items and those will come in a secure bank. And at the end of a month those items can be bought in package with Gc or some kind.

(I know kwaithex you know what i mean xd i'm to tired for full explanation xD )
I will take this in consideration when explaining full idea of how the auction would work, thanks :)


Infinity MU Events Queen
December 23rd , 2015
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(Temporarily at) Ottawa
In all honesty, I can already imagine this working out pretty neatly. First off, with Kwait's General Idea, and Nik's follow-up, it's already a legitimate standard auction function, as would other games (not just MU) would. Furthermore, this would pique the interest of first-tume sellers, newbies, and mass buy and sellers, as this would increase the chances of getting end-game sets much faster, and because of that, they can integrate themselves into the pvp picture sooner than they ever will. Direct sales will also be affected, in a sense. While the auction will provide a gambling chance of getting instantaneously rich, more players belonging to the masses, the lower end of the caste (no wind purchasing capability to casual players), will flock to direct sales since they won't be obliged to outbid rich players, as they cannot do so.

The system will add more diversity and dynamic to the server. Kwait strikes again. :grin:


January 26th , 2010
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Las Islas Filipinas
I like this idea, I think the staff should give it a try. It is much more easy, than the market place, If we allow to have an "auction house" chuchu. Then It will be good, if not only the seller accepts Winds, but also, Gold Credits to be transferred from the buyers account to the seller. :)
September 11th , 2015
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This actually could be pretty hard to make work in site, but here is the idea:

Placing 1 item in auction could cost some amount of GC for doing that, as a fee for service. 2 items means that it would cost twice as much as for putting 1 item in auction. Seller has the option to set for how long time he wants the item to be in auction starting from 1 up to 7 days. Also, the seller would have an option to set the starting price in GC or in winds, depends on what items the seller is offering. The seller should be able to put only 5 items at once, not to flood it with useless items that nobody wants. After that, the buyer. For buyer to make the bid, he must actually insert the goods on hold, which nobody can get at the time. So if he made the bid, there is no going back, if nobody outbids him, the items or GC just gets transferred to the sellers bank or added to GC count, if the item was sold for GC. If the buyer gets outbid, his items or GC gets returned to him with no fee. This way can be pretty efficient for players who have items they don't need, like low tier items, that can be sold for low GC count, that would actually allow other players to get some items cheaper than they cost in webshop, meaning that newbies can get access to more items. But this way in my understanding isn't the best one, the auction would really be flooded and it is hard to make that kind of auction from scratch. I don't think, that it would be that efficient to do that in site, in my opinion much better way to create this auction is in forum, because we have moderators, we have Event Masters and Game Masters, and each of them would play a role in auction, which allows them to control it, and I have way bigger trust in people working over auction, than system created from scratch, which can be buggy and afterwards would do no good for the game.

For the forum it is really easy to create, monitor and this can actually rise a bit more interest and activity in forum itself:

Let's make this personal, I will just make an example of me selling something. Let's take that I want to add my Erinys Set +P to auction. For me to do so, I have to find any EM / GM which can assist me, I have to give the EM / GM I find the items I am willing to sell (no more than 1 full trade in 1 week, not to make them work as dogs for sake of auction), as soon as the items are in the inventory / bank of the EM / GM, I must create a thread following this format:

Items sold: Erinys Set +P
Duration: 4 days (The duration can be no longer than 7 days, the minimum is 1 day, of course)
Starting price: 32w (This is up to seller, what will be the starting price of the items sold, but bare in mind, the price must be realistic)
Items held by: Nikki

As respond, that I am not trying to fool anyone, Nikki should reply to my thread, that he has the items I claim to sell, after that the thread is good to go for bidding for potential buyers. From seller side everything is done, items are held by GM, now the seller just has to wait until the duration of the bidding ends. Now for the bidding, before player makes a bid, he must have a screenshot of him showing, that he has the winds offered either in bank or inventory, but only one screenshot, not every wind individually, the screenshot to be more authentic, the seller has to write in chat for example: "For Erinys Set +P sold by Kronwell.B", that way there is more proof of buyer to be legit. In case of buyer disappearing and not buying the items he bid for, the items are sold for the next highest bidder and the buyer that disappeared receives punishment, but that you guys figure out by yourselves, I'd say it should be removal of winds in amount of 25% of the price he bid for the items, no returns, no matter the reason, no appeals and so on. But if everything goes smooth, my Erinys is bought for instance for 36w accessories, the buyer meets Nikki, gives buyer the set, buyer gives winds to Nikki, later on Nikki meets me and I get the winds from him. Nice middleman action right there. But yeah, every GM / EM shouldn't just follow the auctions they are assisting, the buyer and seller must contact the GM / EM if they need it, for instance when time of bidding has ended, seller writes that in thread, says, that bid is over, it is clearly seen, which bidder wins, so the corresponding GM / EM must be contacted by buyer to come to an agreement when they can meet for the trade. Same from the sellers side. After GM / EM has given the set for winds, he must respond with screenshot of trade in the thread, so that buyer can't rise any objections, that he didn't get the set and so on. Of course, there will be rules and something else added, I just can't think about everything, the process of thoughts usually happens in process, so I suggest to move on with this, add something from staffs side, later on you all will be able to adjust the rules, restrictions and everything else. And for the auction, there must be another section in site, there already is section "New Items In The Market", would be nice to get similar section under name "Auction", that could rise interest for some players to actually register in forum and use this new function.

Any more questions? :D


iMU Admin
August 30th , 2012
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System is easy,specially for the forum the monitoring process sounds okay,I can take care of it by distrubuting a schedule to the Mod team.

I like the idea and I think it's explained very well.
To be completely honest
Chances of mix ups is kinda high,but with more consideration from the users this could be implemented in the following month.


January 28th , 2016
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I would honestly look at a website system rather than forums since we already got the market here.
I had in mind a Gold Credits Auction style where ppl put the items on auction from site and if someone matches the price he gets the item.
Like this we just involve a 3rd person to keep the items and get in game to trade the buyer and we only make things more complicated.
September 11th , 2015
Reaction score
Honestly, yes, I would prefer website function for that also, but not by only GC, winds should be considered as currency too, and the system is way more easier in site than in forum. But that is for you to decide, which way would be more efficient for you guys. I just handed you the complete idea of how this could work, you can adjust it to your needs and later on we will see what we will see, suggestions and fixes will come after something is done :)


January 28th , 2016
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i forwarded this to Resistant, we will consider the idea and see if we can come up with something after we finish the current undergoing updates.


August 23rd , 2013
Reaction score
Hey yow,

Similar thing i've seen in other servers.Also,the work procedure was like that:

- if you want to take your items on a sale for 1 day-100 credit,1 week-500 credit.(TAX's)

- You need to put your item in vault and the price you will decide via website.
- During the sale,you will be not able to use this item,need to wait for a deadline of the sale process.
- Offers can be also not only winds,but from another side also Credits or Gold Credits.

Btw.nice idea! =).
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