Character Involved: Black*Que , SpeedDeIta, *Guerro!
Reason: SNatural, Non-stop bypassing HWID restrictions even if RESiSTANT blocked his HWID's multiple times already,
If anyone has any information the banned player is still playing on other accounts,
Please forward the information to the Administrator / Head Game Master / Senior Game Masters
Every account that will be shared/piloted with him will result a Permanent Ban.
Reason: SNatural, Non-stop bypassing HWID restrictions even if RESiSTANT blocked his HWID's multiple times already,
Banned Forum Acc - SNatural
SNatural forum account banned permanently Reason: Staff insult,hacking,server disrespect on multiple occasions Proof: After a discussion between the team,SNatural loses the privilage to own a forum account until further notice
Banned Account - SNatural
Character involved: NaturalS Reason: Staff Insult / Suspicious Potion Speed (He refused to provide video by following all the line of the rules) Duration: Permanent (Until he provide video by following all line of the rules) Evidence: Link #1, Link #2, Link #3 To The Public: SNatural's...
If anyone has any information the banned player is still playing on other accounts,
Please forward the information to the Administrator / Head Game Master / Senior Game Masters
Every account that will be shared/piloted with him will result a Permanent Ban.