Banned Account: dranreb46
Ban reason: Shared account;
Ban time: 365 days;
Edit: Account is unblocked and password changed so the real owner of the account could retrieve it using his email and do not share it because the recent events happened to his account could have his uber sets stolen.
Ban reason: Shared account;
Ban time: 365 days;
Edit: Account is unblocked and password changed so the real owner of the account could retrieve it using his email and do not share it because the recent events happened to his account could have his uber sets stolen. accounts
You are not allowed to share accounts with other players. This is for both our sake, and you own safety. You don't want to lose your account of some misunderstanding, and we sure don't want to hear you complaining about it.
Trading, selling, giving away
This falls under sharing accounts. You are not allowed to trade, sell, buy or even give away accounts. All accounts under the IP will be temporarily banned and the accounts involved will be deleted.
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