Banned Accounts - transfer, trau
Ban Time: Permanent (can unban from webshop - last chance, if abuse bug again will be blocked without more chances to unban from webshop)
Reason: bug abusing
Proofs: owners know it, if need I will provide via Forum PM or Mail (
Daily automated checks for this bug is running on. We know how bug works and if any account try to abuse it will be banned permanently without warning. (bug will be fixed this days)
Ban Time: Permanent (can unban from webshop - last chance, if abuse bug again will be blocked without more chances to unban from webshop)
Reason: bug abusing
Proofs: owners know it, if need I will provide via Forum PM or Mail (
Daily automated checks for this bug is running on. We know how bug works and if any account try to abuse it will be banned permanently without warning. (bug will be fixed this days)