Major Event - Hunt the MODS
Hello Infinitian's! It's time for a major event !
You have a personal vendeta against a Forum Moderator or even against the Lead Forum Moderator? It's time to make them pay ! Slay them all and show superiority in game !
The event consits of minor events combined into a big event.As the title says the objective is to hunt down our Forum Moderators and slay them all, bring them the total anihilation ! Hide & Seek combined with PK !
Event mechanics:
-The MOD's shall form a party and hide in one of the Continent of MU Maps.
-Whilst hiding, they will permanently have a SHOP open with the name "Prey" on it.
-Event participants have to set up hunting squadrons in order to find them and slay them all, also having set up a SHOP with the name "Hunter".
-The event hosters EM's, GM's, HGM or Administrator shall follow the "Prey" all over the map.
-The "Prey" shall be in a constant movement around the map trying to survive the "Hunter" kites and attacks, responding with the same thing...death !
-Tactics,planing and momentum are very important in order to succeed.
-If the "Prey" has not formed a full party, minor PK Events shall be hosted in order to pick "Guardians" to complete the "Prey" Party
Victory condition & how winners are announced:
-Victory shall be declared when the "Prey" party is completly vanished from the battlefield.
-Winners of the event are declared the players that are present in the area when the last of the "preys" dies (Event Host shall make a Screenshot and a Video)
-ALL buffs allowed
-ALL classes allowed
-NO pets/helpers allowed (Fenrir,Imp,Guardian Angel etc.) besides the Dark Horse for DL
-SUMMON is allowed for both teams "Prey" & "Hunter"
-"Prey" is not allowed to hide in "safe zone"
-Every involved participant to this event has to open up a SHOP with the name "Hunter" whilst MOD's shall open a SHOP with the name "Prey"
-Failing to do so, the host can Disqualify/Slay the player/mod involved
Prizes for "Hunters":
-50.000 Gold Credits divided between the players that achieve the victory condition
-2 IMES points for every player that achieve the victory condition
Prizes for "Prey" + "Guardian":
Stage 1 : 2.000 Gold Credits if they survive at least 5 minutes
Stage 2 : 3.000 Gold Credits if they survive at least 10 minutes
Stage 3 : 4.000 Gold Credits if they survive at least 20 minutes
Stage 4 : 5.000 Gold Credits if they survive at least 30 minutes
"Guardians" will recieve 1 extra IMES point per game stage starting from 2nd Stage
Event date :
13th of August 2017, 2 hours before regular CASTLE SIEGE time !