[Credits for the Banner to: Heruvim - thank you]
Infinity Idol
Hello friends,another month has come and we need another Infinity Idol,so let's see who is up to the challenge.
Registration for the event:
You need to send me via PM -> http://forum.infinitymu.net/member.php?27848-DimER -> one self picture (your face has to be visible on the picture) + your forum name. If one of these requirements is not fulfilled I will not accept your entry.
Your pictures must be uploaded via www.tinypic.com or www.imageshack.us,other websites are not allowed.
All accounts registered within the month of October are not allowed to join
Criteria for voting for entries:
The prize for the winner will be: Full Option Season 4 Item or Mace of King+13 + Infinity Idol
2000 credits will be given to all participants as a consolation prize.
Deadline: The 8th of November
The Poll will be started on the 10th of November.
Last Month's winner was
And his entry is:
Thank you and good luck to everyone!
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