Hello my friends,
Welcome to our InfinityMU Author event for the month of December
This month we will pick on a topic, in which you will make your POEM and show it to us. The POEM must only be regarding the topic.
Topic: Christmas in Infinity!
Prepare an awesome POEM in 8 LINES and become our InfinityMU Author
Rules of the event
1. Members with 10 posts and above can enter the event.
2. Each participant can join with only 1 POEM.
3. Do not copy a POEM from the internet.The staff members will keep track of the originality of each stories,if you break the rule,your entry won't be accepted.
4. Stories with offensive language will not be accepted.
5. The story size should be a SHORT POEM - YOU HAVE TO WRITE A POEM WITH AT LEAST 6-8 LINES
6. The story you submit must be within the topic we place.
7. Normal font is required8. Entries submitted after the given deadline will not be accepted.
9. Write your In game name above the entry that you are going to post.
All entries should be submitted IN THIS THREAD
Deadline for submitting entries: 17th of DecemberThe poll will be started after the deadline.
Criteria for judging the entries:
Mistake free
Sentence construction
The prizes:
10,000 gold credits + 8 IMES - 1st PLACE + A chance to be Infinity Star member or Wiki Team member
6,000 gold credits + 5 IMES - 2nd PLACE
4,000 gold credits + 3 IMES - 3rd PLACE
The clock starts now, Go go go!