Infinity Idol
This is Infinity Idol event for month January!
How to join?
You need to send 1 self picture,(not some hot picture from google) with fansign and there write Your "forum name" and "Infinity Idol"
for upload pics use or
All pictures you will have to send me-to Niki via PM
GFX members can't participate.
Prize: Full Option Mace of the King + Gold pet/Full Option set by choice and also Infinity Idol
-Deadline: 1/8/2012
-Poll will be started on 1/9/2012
The last winner of the month December is: Jean

On the end I'd like to wish you and your family Happy new year and hope this year will be much more successful than the previous one.
Also don't forget to vote for us every 12hours.This month was for us very successful with votes we reached 11th place and we also hope it will continue like this.May god bless u all!
Sincererly Your,
InfinityMu Staff Team
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