Big Game Event [BIG EVENT] PK Monthly Winner

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October 25th , 2010
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PK Monthly Winner

Hello Infinitians!

This old event will begin once again from this year in forward, will consist of the same, common and current PK Event that we know nowadays but on a large scale with some other new variations that i'll explain hereinafter, in fact it will consist of mixed classes (BM/LE/DM/GM/HE). Since it's known well, this event will be carried out only once a month and there will be effected every 01 of every month, you will be able to acquire in-forum a special tag for the winners of this great event, this one is the "PK Monthly Winner", so you will be able to show this tag during a complete month and for saying it this way, you will be the person who will defend the range of best Assassin of the month.

If you lose the position of "PK Monthly Winner" of the month, you will be returned to your old tag (Registered User/VIP/Top Spammer/Supporter/etc) and the same one will give itself another player, but if you return to win consecutively it will be able to acquire prizes in F.O Items given by the Game Master that is organizing the event this month, the most common thing is that an alone Game Master is the manager of this event, nevertheless this will be able to change and some others Game Masters will be able to effect this event as soon as the principal Game Master isn't actively the 01 of every month, nevertheless the Game Masters don't have permission to grant this special tag in-forum, only Administrators will be able to grant it.

• FAQ's

- Which's the PK Monthly Winner tag?
Is the special tag that will be given to the winner of the most popular big PK Events in-game, this means that this tag represents the best Assassin for a full month in-forum.

- How will be announced this Event?
The Game Master will announce a single time in this thread the event start time so that way all players in-forum may be aware of it, then the GM may enter the servers 3 & 4 to announce it publicly, that way the server that has been chosen to fight will have a great confluence of participants.

- Where this event will be carried out?
Server 3 or 4 in Devias 2 - Coords 244 160 "Devias PVP Arena", you can download it from HERE!

- The site of the event can change?
Yes! this site can change depending on the players' quantity and the Game Master can do it in some another map with a decent space to fights but always must be effected in the primary PvP servers "3 or 4".

• Prize's

- 1st. Time = Special "[I][COLOR=#8B4513]PK Monthly Winner[/COLOR][/I]" tag during 1 month in-forum + 1 unique weapon "MOK".

- 2nd. Time = "[I][COLOR=#8B4513]PK Monthly Winner[/COLOR][/I]" tag during 1 month more + 1 unique weapon "MOK" ++ 1 FO item of your choice.

- 3rd. Time = "[I][COLOR=#8B4513]PK Monthly Winner[/COLOR][/I]" tag for Ever + 1 unique weapon "MOK" ++ 1 FO item of your choice. .


PK Monthly Winner Special Tag!

• Winners of the past months
March - [B]DJTecno[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#8b7350]tecnologia[/COLOR][/URL]
April - [I]None[/I]
June - [B]-F-E-A-R-[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#6cd817]-F-E-A-R-[/COLOR][/URL]
July - [B]Abesta[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#8b7350]Abesta[/COLOR][/URL]
August - [B]Abesta[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#8b7350]Abesta[/COLOR][/URL]
September - [B].Nik[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#FF9900]Foresight[/COLOR][/URL]
October - [B]FTW[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#FF9900]Foresight[/COLOR][/URL]
November - [B]BeCareful[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#666633]Fighter[/COLOR][/URL]
December -[B]Dev[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#008000]MrDev[/COLOR][/URL]
January- [B]-$ymbols[/B] / [URL=""][COLOR=#800000]Art$tyle[/COLOR][/URL]
February- [B]*LameNub*[/B] / [URL="*LameNub*"][COLOR=#800000]*LameNub*[/COLOR][/URL]
March- [B][G-WAGEN][/B] / [URL="[G-WAGEN]"][COLOR=#800000][G-WAGEN][/COLOR][/URL]
April - #Notoriouz / Hashberry
May - Rono* / [URL="*"]Ron[/URL]
June - [AsungoT] / Harvin
July - ULTIM4TE / Prata
August - +RagE+ / [URL=""][COLOR=#8b7350]tecnologia[/COLOR][/URL]
September - -MEGA- / [URL=""]Sky.Wolf[/URL]
October - #Hash / [URL=""][VIP]#Hash[/VIP][/URL]
November - Sky.Wolf / [URL=""]Sky.Wolf[/URL]
December - Jim. / [URL="http://http//"]Jim[/URL]

January - #Hellrazor / [URL=""]Hellrazor[/URL]
February - #Hellrazor / [URL=""]Hellrazor[/URL]
March - #Hellrazor / [URL=""]Hellrazor[/URL]
April - +RagE+ / tecnologia
May - 420.John* / John*
June -  -Notoriouz / BANGBRO
July - [!FRANCE!] / -[Snow]-
August - DarkKissDL
September -  Phantasm / [URL=""]Harvin[/URL]
October - BePowerful
November - -MEGA- / [URL=""]Sadiq*[/URL]
December - AsungoT / [URL=""]Harvin[/URL]

January - -Notoriouz / [URL="]Majk[/url]<br />February - Nation* / [URL="*"]Amonra*[/URL]
March - Phantasm / [URL=""]Phantasm[/URL]
April - PhantasmHE / 
May - AsungoT / [URL=""]Asungot[/URL]
June - *Whisky* / [URL=""]MrChivas[/URL]
July - Megan. / [URL=""]mYnYaKbk[/URL]
August - -Madara. / [URL=""]Madara.[/URL]
September - Kanima / [URL=""]AsungoT[/URL] 
October - RedRox / [URL=""]Savalan[/URL]
November - Hachiro / [URL=""]Hachiro[/URL]
December - Dominant / [URL=""]Aga[/URL]

January - PowerDoom. / [URL=""]Sylar[/URL]
February - ^[4] / [URL=""]Aga[/URL]
March - Elwind / [URL=""]Aga[/URL]
April - Matani* - [URL=""]Aga[/URL]
May - Oggie / [URL=""]Aga[/URL]
June - Doterte / 
July - HyruLe / [URL=""]Rupert[/URL]
August - JoongKi / [URL=""]Madara.[/URL] 
September - BK!* / [URL="*B"]7Elements*[/URL]
October - DO_MYCIA / [URL=""]#Arag[/URL]
November - Paradox / [URL=""]Musilman[/URL]
December - Cysmo / [URL=""]Prada[/URL]

January - #Wiki / [URL=""]Wiki[/URL]
February - History / [URL=""]Ezio[/URL]
March - -[H]izuka* / [URL="[H"]izuka*]-[H]izuka*[/URL]
April - Aga* / [URL=""]Aga[/URL]
May - [C]hi! / [URL=""]Chi[/URL]
June - [PaNaCeA] / [URL=""]Aga[/URL]
July - Prolactin / [URL=""]Wiki[/URL]
August - bttrfLy / [URL=""]tarzan[/URL]
September - #Wiki / [URL=""]Wiki[/URL]
October - [Chuck] / [URL=""]Chuck[/URL]
November - [Chuck] / [URL=""]Chuck[/URL]
December - ike / [URL=""]ike[/URL]

January - Death / [URL=""]Death[/URL]
February - Death / [URL=""]Death[/URL]
March - #SunnyDays / [URL=""]-onTuMucT[/URL]
April -[banner]- / [URL=""]-TearDrop[/URL]
May - Kinkytail. / [URL=""]MARV1N[/URL]
June - Death / [URL=""]Death[/URL]
July - IDiabloI / [URL=""]Visitor[/URL]
August - #Taylor / [URL=""]Wiki[/URL]
September - Yukino/[URL=""]Moorse[/URL]
October - BloodDrink/[URL=""]Mr.Elish[/URL]
November - XromAzero/[URL=""]XromAzero[/URL]
December - Death/[URL=""]Death[/URL]

January - LazyAssKid/[URL=""]Lzy[/URL]
February - OpposinG/[URL=""]OposniG[/URL]
March - OpposinG/[URL=""]OposniG[/URL]
April - OpposinG/[URL=""]OposniG[/URL]
May - Wadu/[URL=""]Marvin[/URL]
June - Coitus/[URL=""]Havost[/URL]
July - Lyfe/[URL=""]Cloud.[/URL]
August - CR7./[URL=""]MarveI[/URL]
September - Busya/[URL=""]kriistap[/URL]
October - Savalan/[URL=""]Sava[/URL]
November - Busya/[URL=""]kriistap[/URL]
December - SAOS1N/[URL=""]wakoko121[/URL]

January - XromAzero/[URL=""]XromAzero[/URL]
February - XromAzero/[URL=""]XromAzero[/URL]
March - bleeeh/[URL=""]Abra[/URL]
April - XromEIf/[URL=""]Koshax[/URL]
May - Ms.Emberly/[URL=""]#Brandy [/URL]

Permanent tag to: OposniG Wins three times in a row!

InfinityMU Staff Team.
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Hello Infinityans!

Hell yea baby.. today is the first day of March so everyone is ready for the first big "PK Monthly Winner" event of this year? ;) i hope to have a great confluence of participants willing to get this special title for a month. Remember that all classes is allowed to participate, no rules.. only one: "Kill them All" btw i look forward to the participation of some GM's in the organization of this event cuz as i've thought about doing the event on a big map without space restrictions, c'mon dont miss your chance to be crowned as the greatest murderer of InfinityMU and the oportunity of win free F.O Items as prizes if you get to be the winner consecutively. The event will begin in the next hour and time zone: 6:00 pm (GMT -4:30) good luck and have fun!​

InfinityMU Staff Team.

Hello Infinityans!

The "PK Monthly Winner" event was carried out with total satisfaction and without any mishap, there was a really great confluence of players (all Classes) i've counted around 37 to 40.. not counting those who were not teleported but they knew the coordinates on the map, took place on server 3 - map "KALIMA VI" the event lasted approximately 30 mins cuz not counted with the participation of our GM's.. just me! obviously i cannot keep a precise control of the players and watch for rules violators to a point acceptable cuz a single GM cannot handle a mass of players without the help of others.

I hope you all had fun for few mins and i promise it will be much better for next time, surely we'll have a slightly larger space and suitable for the next event, this is a new place that will be used in ARENAS ;) maybe a new update for big PvP events like this. So without further ado i present the new winner of this great event.. is crowned as the greatest murderer of our community lawl throughout this month and will have access to a special tag that will be awarded by our dear administrator RESiSTANT.. congratulations and enjoy it ;) HF!​

• In-Game Winner


• In-Forum Winner


InfinityMU Staff Team.

Hello Infinityans!

Because these days we've been a little more aware of the DDoS attacks that we've received from some lil kids w/out job the event couldnt be done yesterday, but this doesnt mean it doesnt take place today, so the second "PK Monthly Winner" event of this year will take place today on the pvp sub-server num 3, worth remembering that the player who wins this event it's not registered on-forum only will won as rewards some F.O items cuz this tag is only granted to members who have registered some time in our community, as usual the event will be held under the following time zone: (GMT -04:30) 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Tell your friends in-game that today they'll have the opportunity to participate in this big event and that way we'll have a great confluence of players (all classes can participate) GL and HF!

InfinityMU Staff Team.

Hello Infinityans!

It seems that the disadvantages dont want this event being held with satisfaction, but this doesnt mean that we'll stop, surrender or retreat from doing what we like just cuz some lil kids are still attacking our lovely server, this DDoS attacks just makes us see that some lil kids are jealous for the high level where we're atm, so dont worry guys cuz Infinity will not stop never, remember that we've always managed to overcome these problems and this isnt the exception, addition we've a smart admin and he knows what to do in these cases, we'll try to find the attack site, although we've some suspects.

Hello friends,

We are getting attacked by some big botnet attacks this time. Please be patient until we mitigate the DDoS attack. Some jealous fag is enjoy his miserable lifestyle once again.


This "PK Monthly Winner" event will be held today at the same time specified in the last post, timezone: (GMT -04:30) 4:00 to 6:00 pm so tell your friends in-game that today they'll have the opportunity to participate in this big event and that way we'll have a great confluence of players (all classes can participate), we'll try to have the highest num of GM's so that everything is carried out w/out difficulty, obviously that way we'll control with more precisely the breakerules. GL! & HF!

Announcement 30/04/2012

Hello Infinityans.. The event couldn't take place this month because we were under DDoS attacks for over a week (the first week of this month and part of the second). Sorry for the inconvenience, so the event will be held next month, good luck and have fun!

InfinityMU Staff Team.

InfinityMU Staff Team.
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Hello Dear Infinitians!

Today we have made with success the Big Monthly Pk Event with our great GM Zack's help. We are sorry but ZNAKE couldn't be here, he got some personal problems. The event was made in Devias PVP Arena with all classes, all buffs allowed and all skills except the DL's Summon Skill. There were approximately 20-30 players as i counted and with some minimal disturbs (like killing before "Go" and Dueling) what were solved in time, im glad to announce the new Pk Monthly Winner:

Character ingame: ROZKURWIAM

Forum Name:

He received the Pk Monthly Winner Tag and to not let him with empty hands he received a F.O. item by his own choice: Dragon Boots F.O

Here are Some Screenshots about the Big Event:





Congratulations Again to the Winner!
Hope you've enjoyed the Event and prepare for the Next Battle in June!

InfinityMu Staff Team!
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The "PK Monthly Event" will start today, 04.06.2012 at 19:00 GMT+2, after 4 hours from now on. So prepaire your character and be online to get the Pk Monthly Winner Tag ;)

Hellow Dear Infinitians!

I'm proud to announce that the "Monthly Pk Event" was ended with succes! This we can thank to our great Game Masters, BRONCER and Zack's Help and Support! The Event was made at Devias PvP Arena again with a really little mistake, that before we started the event and to count, all of us got Disconnected :\ But all the participants was moved back and the players respected the Event Rules only MrRonnei got disqualified who not respected to not atack before "Go".

I'm Proud to announce that june's Mothly Pk Event Winner is :

Ingame Character: -F-E-A-R-

Forum Account: Maslaczek

He Won the Monthly Pk Winner Tag in Forum for 1 month
and a Full Option Item by his choice: Bone Blade +13 Full Option

Some ScreenShots About the Event:




I hope You Enjoyed The Event and Congrats Again to the Winner, -F-E-A-R-

InfinityMu Staff Team
The "PK Monthly Event" will start today, 02.07.2012 at 17:00 GMT+2, after 5 hours and 35 minutes from now on. So prepair your character and be online to get the Pk Monthly Winner Tag ;)
Get ready for the Battle!

I'm happy to announce that The Monthly Pk Event was Ended
with Succes with the support of our great Game Master's Pioji and Zack.
The Event was made again at Devias Pk Arena, coz of the lot of players it was a little bit lag but
the players respected the Rules what the Game Masters announced and i proudly announce the following:​

  • The Pk Monthly Winner of July is:
  • Characer name: Abesta
  • Forum Account Name: Abesta
  • Price: 1 Exc. Ring of Wind FO by the Winners Choice


Some ScreeShots of the Event:




I hope you all enjoyed the Event and be prepaired for the Next Pk Monthly Event of August!

Take Care and Have Fun!

InfinityMU Team


Every GM has the right to use this thread and make the event every first or second day of the months, so everybody has my permission to do so, i'm just the creator of the thread for the new season of this event "2012". From now on, any GM or HGM can make this event without any prob. So far, Titan is doing a great job with the others GM's, so i hope that next month another GM is willing to take the lead! Remember that if you need support, feel free to talk to your partners!

- Congratulations to the winner of this month! -

InfinityMU Staff Team.
PK Monthly Event of August.
  • Prize: 1 FO Mace of King & GPET + PK Monthly tag for one month more!

  • SS's:



Gratz to the winner! and thanks to all who partipacted! Hope to see you in next month! ;)
Also thanks to GM Pioji & Titan for helping me with this event. :))
Prize Mace of the King has been given out to Abesta.

The Pk Monthly Event of September will start today at 13:00 GMT +2 (what means after 1 hours and 40 minutes from now)
So prepair you parties, team and get ready to Own the others!

The Monthly Pk Event was made today at Devias Pvp Arena with the support of our Staff Police, EAGER and with the Forum Administrator/Game Master, Wallace.
We re-played the Event coz ASUNGOT uses tracemarry + DL Summon to come back again and again and fight while others fighted with 1 chance, and this we considered Unfair as the other players too and we replayed the event.
With proud we announce the new Monthly Pk Winner:

Ingame Character name: .Nik
Forum Name: Niki

His Price is: Excellent Mace of King+13+ Full Option and the Pk Monthly Winner Tag for 1 month in forum.

Congrats to The New Winner, Abesta didnt gave himself chance to win the event 3rd time and own the Pk Monthly Winner Tag permanent since he joined with a Grand Master :)
Soon i will Add some ScreenShots too!​

I hope you enjoyed the Event!
See you Next Month!



InfinityMu Staff Team
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Dear Infinitians!

The PK Monthly Event of October will Stats tomorrow, 02.10.2012 around 14:00 GMT+2
We will annouce anyway ingame and on forum before it Starts with 1 hour.
Try to be on and Good Luck!
The Monthly Pk Event Will Start After 30 Minutes from Now On! Prepair your parties/teams, get enough potions in your inventory and prepaire for the Battle!

Im Glad to Announce that the Monthly Pk Event was Made With Succes today at 16:30 GMT+2 with the Help of our great Game Master, EAGER, thank you for your help bro.
I am so proud of our infinitians because they respected all the Event Rules what i announced, and this is a really big help for us, Game Masters <3
The event was made at Devias PvP Arena, we had a lot of participants who fighted with all of their power.
Im proud to announce that the Monthly Pk Winner of October is:

  • Character name: FTW
  • Forum Name: Niki
  • Class: Blade Master
  • Prize: Because he won 2nd time his prize is Full Option Mace of King + Golden Fenrir

Here are some ScreenShots from The Event:



Congratulations to all the participants, it was a good fight!
See you next month, in November! Keep practicing till then and try You to win the Next Monthly Pk Event!

InfinityMU Game Master

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