Ultimate Bring Me Event!
Hi Infinitians!
I'm here to host one of my favorite event in-game, Bring Me Event! But this time it will be harder so be ready.

- Event will be on November 9, 2013
- Server 2, Devias.
- 10:00 pm (GMT+8)
If you don't know what's the exact time the event will start in your country
go to http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter/
Put 22:00 (10:00pm) on " When it is ", In: GMT+8 then your GMT on " What time will it be in ".
How to win?
- I'll be asking some items like for example:
- Excellent Giant Sword + Skill + 2 opt +13 with yellow opt of Critical Damage Increase + 30
- Excellent Dragon Gloves + Luck + 1 opt + 13 with yellow opt Damage Rate Increase +7%
and many more!
then first one to bring me the items that I asked will win.
You can't buy the items that I will ask via webshop I will know if you will buy. If you bought even just 1 item that I asked in the webshop you won't receive the prize and it will be given to the 2nd or 3rd player.
- 1 Sacred Mace Of King
If you have any question or suggestion please post it here.
InfinityMU Staff Team,
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