(Thanks to Lelouch for the banner)
Hello dear Infinitians!
Since, the ber months has already started in relation to this event in our lives. I will be hosting an event called "InfinityMu Christmas Countdown" since we usually celebrates christmas as part of our one of the most meaningful event in life. And since Christmas is nearly coming and each of us somehow began to experience and feel the presence of christmas season. I have come up into an idea of making it exciting by counting the days before the christmas day and wherein most of us are used to do it.
Basically, you won't have to do something so hard. The event is easy and open for everyone!
Mechanics & Rules of the event :
- You will need to put the correct day counting before together with the correct screenshot of your vote and our ranking position there.
- Also would be helpful if you post each time your post number in this thread(1st vote, 2nd vote and so on).
- Everyone is allowed to join including the Staff except Game Masters.
- Multiple forum accounts is strictly not allowed. The moderation team will be checking the IP of each account and if someone caught automatically disqualified from this event and might lead up to banned. Proxies are not allowed as well.
- You can only post your vote/entry once a day(every 24 hours).
- Screenshot of your vote must be uploaded through the given site below otherwise uploading in different sites your post will be deleted.
- This event will be until December 25, 2016(Christmas day). And winners will be chosen right after the event is finish.
- Cheating is not allowed.
- Failure to follow the rules will result to disqualification and will not be receiving the prize.
Prizes of this event :
- First place - Over 80 votes/entry - 50,000 webshop credits
- Second place - Over 50 votes/entry - 40,000 webshop credits
- Third place - Over 50 votes/entry - 30,000 webshop credits
No idea where to vote?
Click here and I will bring you there
Where I can upload my screenshot?
By simply using the new decorated and required site for our forums. Click here to see the guide.
Big thanks & appreciation to our admin RESiSTANT for approving and providing the prizes.
For questions and clarifications please send me a forum PM immediately. Only entries must be posted on this thread. I will ask the assistance of the Moderation team to protect this thread to any kind of spam.
Ok, let me start it.
1st vote
96 days before christmas
Good luck everyone and advance merry christmas!
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