Banned Forum Acc Bugoy, Spectre.

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March 10th , 2018
Reaction score
Main Forum Account : Bugoy
Exceeding Forum Account: Spectre.
Duration : Permanent
Reason : Multiple forum accounts, 2nd offense
Proof : IP/Forum Account verification and these:*-VS-Raaerta&p=1568708&viewfull=1#post1568708
1st offense:

11. Multiple forum accounts.
You are not allowed to have more than 1 forum account. If your main account gets banned in order to use a NEW forum account you have to make a ban appeal which has to be approved by the Lead Moderator or Administrator in order to continue using it. If you are caught having/making more than 1 account, all of them will be banned permanently.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Banning all accounts except main and Infraction to the main account;
- 2nd = Banning all accounts including main permanently.
Using the forum account of your girlfriend/wife/sister/brother/mother/grampa or any other relative or friend counts as account abuse which falls under Multiple forum accounts rule. I always gave you explanations and told you that it's best for your sake to read and follow the rules. What I got from you almost every time is:

From : Bugoy
To : Djinny
Date : 2020-03-10 09:50
Title : Re: About Bumping Threads
Again and Again i dit Stupid Behavior again
Im so sorry for my Behavior Madam I tried to be good Sorry again
From : Bugoy
To : Djinny
Date : 2020-04-09 00:35
Title : Re: You have received an infraction at InfinityMU Community Forum
You Scared me For this one :) sorry again thanks for not banning me this time now Djinny
Don’t worries thats the last one
It is the last one indeed.
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