Buying in store and higher post fee

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Tireless Draconite Collector!
October 5th , 2019
Reaction score
I have observed that there are a lot of people who no longer respect the POST in game and no longer follow rules or guidelines for posting just because nobody gets to check them while saying whatever they want to through post. I admit that sometimes I am one of those people that is why I would like to suggest that our Admins reactivate the buying in Market stores in game and higher post fee for the following reasons:

> It would be better for the economy because more players would take time to really search for the items they need through the running market in game instead of just staying in one spot and posting.
> Sellers will be more active when they need to dispose of their items.
> Mailing system in game will be more efficient when it comes to trading.
> It would also reflect or show how active players are in terms of interacting with other people in game.
> It would prevent post spamming if players know that their Zen is no longer enough to keep posting and their items in store can already be bought.
> It could be a means for more sensible conversations through post if needed instead of others fighting and cursing at each other through post.
> It could promote responsibility in players to keep their Zen max if they want to sell in the in game market.

In the event that someone's Uber Acc or other valuable items gets sold through the store, he/she must have a screenshot that his/her Zen is enough and chat log that he or she is not spamming at any rate for it to be a valid claim. It is not the server or and admin's responsibility to remind people of safekeeping their items.

Can you imagine the feeling of a newbie being able to buy an FO Mace of King just because of someone else being irresponsible? That would really make someone's day, wouldn't it? :dance::dance::dance:

Bandicam, Mobile phones and other video means are already available for anyone who feels that the person who they are trading with is trying to scam or take advantage of them. So I don't think reporting suspicious activity will be an issue considering that our Admins and Staff are always online and ready to help. :plaths::plaths::plaths:
We have closed buying from personal store because ppl where asking guys to reply while using /post. And then they bought there store. So we closed to prevent that.
Higher post fee?? Don't see why. Since we changed to 10time in a row the spam realy has been lowerd.

This is really the worst idea this year.
We have closed buying from personal store because ppl where asking guys to reply while using /post. And then they bought there store. So we closed to prevent that.
Higher post fee?? Don't see why. Since we changed to 10time in a row the spam realy has been lowerd.

This is really the worst idea this year.

you are right nikki some scammer will abuse again to scam if we allow buying in personal store :faill:
We have closed buying from personal store because ppl where asking guys to reply while using /post. And then they bought there store. So we closed to prevent that.
Higher post fee?? Don't see why. Since we changed to 10time in a row the spam realy has been lowerd.

This is really the worst idea this year.

How is it "Worst" when I am just trying to point out that players have to be responsible of what they are doing in game? Can't you choose a better word than using such derogatory term? No offense but being a Senior Game Master I think you should be more open to suggestions. Have you been online and witnessed how people abuse post in other languages and to shame people? That is the exact reason for this suggestion. If you can't accept suggestions properly then I think you should go online more to check on those who abuse post.

Close the thread if you think its pointless. I was just suggesting anyway.
Wow I'm impressed of your respect to other players Nikki :pepeOK:

Anyway if you see anything wrong on post like trash talk or insults just feel free to report. To the language, we should make post same rules as shoutbox and speak english only. I think it's not bad idea for all of us
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This is really the worst idea this year.

I said I will probably not post any thread on forum any more but, I cant just shut up in this situation. Nikki you know, how i respect you as considering you one of those old players. But this reply to a players? Seems there is too much freedom for Senior GMs. No matter, who posted whatever in this section. No matter if they thinked about a suggestion on WC and they posted it. You must respect it, period. Well, yeah, you can guide someone to post a suggestion with better mind or a lot clear. Your duty is, respecting players at very first, then serving and doing your GM-SGM tasks. I dont know, what let you be such rude against a player but you receiving salaries while being in Staff Team, doesnt mean you just be SGM till the end and you will do whatever you want and talk rude with anyone you want - specially in this section.

About the suggestion, it is a good suggestion. Before players didnt play MuOnline like an automated gameplay. You had to manage everything. There must be scammers too like in real life. They are earning their good like that till they got caught. Post shouldnt be used for some trash talk.

Btw, i will fight with anyone who is or will be rude against players. From now on, my stay is for that only. And the only thing that can stop me is that situation will be banning me innocent. And Id rather get banned for staying against such rudeness than just be coward and shut up. No one should bring shame to Staff Team. I been part of that also.
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