Cant launch mu

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April 29th , 2011
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When I press connect mu guard open and an error occurs, "0x091671f4" cant read this memory... Someone can help me?
did u tried to re-install it?
try to restart your pc.. and if the error pop'up again try check your hardware..
i got this error when i close my MU using alt+f4. when i login again the error pop'up it self.
and i restart my pc then the error fix it self...
hmm its not good i can send you my muguard files is working :D send me message :0
SS of the error please?
I just downloaded the client installer and just registered...When I run the client I keep getting a memory error [The instruction at "0x090871f4" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".]... I have tried uninstalling and re-installing a couple of time but I'm still have the same problem...any word of advice about this problem?
So you haven't been able to play yet?

Did GameGuard download the updates that it downloads when its a fresh install? The problem might be your Protection software blocking GameGuard from working as it should, I suggest setting the whole Infinity MU folder as an exception/trusted file and running it with anti-virus/etc. off so that GameGuard can install initial updates (if your protection is fussy like my Norton xD)

tell us if you make any progress :]

p.s. I think its best to leave contacting RESi till last, especially with things like this.. besides, he visits forums too :]
I have already put the whole Infinity MU folder on Exception from my Anti-virus...the only update that I got is from the launcher...the GG didn't update at all because when the GG started to appear on screen the error would pop out then ask to terminate the program. I have also just re-installed the game and have restated my PC a couple of times already.
Have u tried completely turning the anti-virus off when launching mu for the first time? Because I'm sure that at first launch, GG always does an update..

i think there's also some file called "llahlog".. (in GG folder) it may tell u the problem
I have tried it all...I have tried to turned off my firewall my can I view whats inside the "llahlog" file? because I tried to view it using notepad or text file.
Okay, I'm out of suggestions..
its not the .dll file that i meant.. so maybe u dont have the other one

I'm gonna try to find that "0x09.." in my computer and check how it works :]
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Well I have tried scanning my whole system, drive and even uninstalled my anti-virus...but still I'm having the same problem...looks like the game doesn't want me here...I don't have this kind of issue with other games that I have been playing...
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