Castle Siege Discussion Castle Siege Discussion 14/09/2013

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February 16th , 2012
Reaction score



Congrats to Awakened , btw thanks for SuperStell TechN9Ne and Luigir for watching CS and Catching some hackers :)
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Defender: PR0STAR

New Castle Owners: Awakened

Very interesting CS with lot of tension, many people were accused of cheating but our lovely GM TechN9ne was there all the time, some other GMs appeared too like SuperStell and Luigir, thanks for watching the CS. There were many seals from Awakened, |ForcE| and EXTREMEx , but in the end Awakened defended for around 30 minutes.

Congratulations and enjoy the LOT!
till next CS!
it was the most terrible cs i've ever seen .
1-st WhiteCells , ppl were arguing about his movenments , else ppl saw his awesome sweeling,3-4 in a row
Jade , u are an awesome example for players .. keep it up !
2-nd Shers.. there were lot of shers , the mose famous names were and IKinGI.. (keep it up , guys)
3-rd we handt support of gm's .. just Tech visited us .. and liguir said hello infinitians <3 and gone ..
now the question , Excuse me RESi , for what u recruited so many gm's ? we have 9 gm's (toby , i counted u too) and just 1 came ? awesome support ..
All we need from u on castle siege , its to have an spectator on every switch and on crown .. thats all .
Its so hard to realize?

i wont say congratz , bcoz u didnt deserved to be the winner ...
congratz to all , who participated , its was an hard mission for u guys.
I gotta admit that CS was full of sh1t. Sadly that Stell and Luigir were online only for few mins, but anyway, thanks guys
i was receiving PMs to check like 5 players all at once, i caught some hackers and one of them is already banned.
Would be better, this CS disappointed me.. anyway congrats to the winners
I was there whole 2 hours, but not on the GM char but on my own, Even I've been called as SHer, very interesting thing. :D
To the castle siege, start of the cs was veeeery laggy but really, the game lagged for me for minute or 30 sec,but after it bit normalized.
About the players, yes there were much cheaters, but we can do it's a game and here always will be cheaters and I'm sad to hear nor say that. But sill the cs wasn't so bad, I enjoyed it till the last minutes...till some guys started to argue there, you know already who was it. :P But to the end i'd like to congratulate to Awakened, since they are the winners, they called me on help so I just helped, Enjoy the win once again. :)|
OMG Congrats Guys :>
Well, CS was full of unappropriated behaviors,(Global Post full of Provoking) Cant Even Focus on Switching Hacks everywhere :<
p.s No Flaming here
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@Chavo , nobody is flaming

@Niki , i accept , that its a game and there are always will be cheaters but not half of players .. 2-3 , i can understand but not half of players .
What you don't realize is every CS at least 1-2 GM's are on. Wasn't it discussed already that GM's also join CS on their regular characters, GM's are normally on all day just in CS some want to participate to.

It was a fun CS, specially for me since I learned a lot about switching, I was switching for 40-50 minutes (not continuously), we lost but still Awakened did good holding it down.

Hope this thread stays humble, any insulting / flaming will be deleted =d.
I was online for few minutes, for job's problem. but anyways! this CS was harder to some guilds, and I won't mention about it.
you're big Tech.
congratulations to Awakened Family.
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