Discussion Castle siege preparations

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Well-known member
July 25th , 2009
Reaction score
Greeting Infinitains,

I would love to suggest removing this one guard from crywolf becuase its no thrill for poeple that was waiting at deep lor to put sols, they had an army to wait with them while putting sols to get to join castle siege, not only the actual castle siege event is thrill. it's even when it is time to add sols aswell, because members join late at night nor early morning to come and protect guards so they know they can join castle siege event. its basically like castle event but only mainly the high ranking in guild go, But this npc guard at crywolf where non can attack you but keep adding more sol's in this map is no thrill to the event. What is the thrill there when your just there at crywolf and others were here at deep lor guarding for that long to atless join the castle event. Notice that only 3 guilds are allowed to attack the castle, so there eager to join. Castle siege event is well populated event already in infinity, its not self strategy its about playing with the whole teammates.

Crywolf with safezone and non attackable:

Deep lor where people gave up guarding because of this:

:nod_80_anim_gif: or :shake_80_anim_gif:
Please select the best emoji that fits the answer!​

Thank you,
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Agreeeee its annoying when you're just wasting time defending in deeploren for nothing in hours and those punks just add in crywolf x.x
Done. Enjoy!
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