Castle Siege Suggestion

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Legends Never Die!!
January 10th , 2010
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Hello guys,

I am here with a suggestion. Before starting, I am inviting all you whose gonna read this suggestion, read it careful with thinking and please join discussion.

I see some people wants change for current CS system but even more amount of people doesnt want it. Points system implemented months ago, some people liked, some disliked and I was with disliked ones. Points system has its downsides that in my opinion we cant discuss and bring solution for those downsides.

So, whats my suggestion. I already writed this as a comment in some of discussions maybe a year ago. My suggestion is "Having Default CS system adapted for 9999x". Just like our Uber and such gears, which isnt with default ancient options because this is higher stats mode.

OK, whats default CS and how it should be. In Webzen, lets say season 2-3 days, CS was hard gameplay and required more team work and full of action for 2 hours that you didnt even wanted stay afk for 1 mins. Some of you might coming from those years and know how great it was. Castle owner ally aka last week winner used castle as Castle. They came earlier, they locked all doors, they had groups whose fight inside castle-behind doors, they had groups for crown room. All in all, it took around 1 hour for 3 attacker allies with hundreds of people finally destroy doors, statue and get inside of crown. Sure there is even more action than I wrote, yet it already came live in your minds.

But how is it in InfinityMU, you 1 hit the doors, you 1 hit the statue so, there is no need for defenders to close doors and take full control of Castle. With current gameplay, 2 hours is too much and makes nosense at all, just giving more time for more possible seals.

Aight, now finally, my suggestion. Lets update our Castle, put more infinite HPs for doors, let attackers kill eachother behind those doors, infinite HP for statue and let battle for Minas Tirith starts :) Yet, after doors destroyed, things will be same as it is now. Whose got better switcher, sealer, overall, better teamwork - will win.

So as I said at the begining, I invite you all, specially active CS player, come and lets discuss this suggeestion. By the way, this suggestion is not fantastica or something, this is how CS set to be played for default settings. This suggestion lets better ally wins just like current one but more realistic and fully used Castle system. Of course, increasing damages a bit will bring more deaths, whipes inside Castle which brings even more action.


December 30th , 2017
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I like to call/Invite all Guild masters/Alliance who are actively joining Castle Siege to take or give their opinions about this AWESOME SUGGESTION.

I really like this suggestion It brings back memories... As mentioned above It's really nice if we enormously increase the HP of all doors especially the Statues this is to avoid players who are always AFK in game and this will help each and every Team to strategically PLAN on what to do in order for them to easily destroy all the doors + Statues but Of Course It's not that easy for you to Destroy it because the Owner of the castle will create a Plan to Defend this will not about defending the Switches or Crown this is all about defending the Doors, Statues, Crown and so on.. Awesome Suggestion Right?

I want to share something that I used to play before .

5 Guilds were registered to play Castle Siege. A lot of players are trying to destroy each doors specially the statues and we are all there to defend it. It took us 1 hour 5 minutes defending. :nuhnuh:

Finally all the attackers successfully destroyed all the statues + Doors and eventually pushed them selves immediately to reach the throne room.

I noticed all attackers has a lot of good switchers + Killers after 50 minutes they stole the crown from us. 5 minutes left we tried getting it back but we are lacking of time so one of the attacker WON!!!

In the end Each and every player who joins the Castle Siege were exhausted :nuhnuh: All our fingers having cramps from pressing QWE123 :nuhnuh:

I/We hope this will meet with the approval of [MENTION=1]RESiSTANT[/MENTION]



February 23rd , 2013
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If im not wrong what u've suggested can be done already with the castle siege NPC "sinior".

"sinior*(179, 213)Maintenance and upgrading of 6 castle gates and 4 guardian statues, tax adjustment Repairing/upgrading is not possible during the siege.
Tax adjustment is applicable starting from 2 hours after the siege till the next siege.*
Tax will not apply during 2 hours of the siege".

I remember it used to work but i think its up to the alli gm.


Legends Never Die!!
January 10th , 2010
Reaction score
If im not wrong what u've suggested can be done already with the castle siege NPC "sinior".

"sinior*(179, 213)Maintenance and upgrading of 6 castle gates and 4 guardian statues, tax adjustment Repairing/upgrading is not possible during the siege.
Tax adjustment is applicable starting from 2 hours after the siege till the next siege.*
Tax will not apply during 2 hours of the siege".

I remember it used to work but i think its up to the alli gm.
I never been ally/guild master, thats why I have no idea if such upgrade of doors possible in game. Even if it is possible, what its durability? 1 or 2 hit and break the door? I think it is. Because if it wasnt like that, Defenders would always used that. I remember when we closed doors in infinityMU, it was not necessary, because attackers just 1 hit break them. Then here comes my suggestion, simple, increase durability of doors/statues greatly and lets them not be broken for 1hit.


Masked Man
August 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Clue ?
30+ days passed, Thread will be closed until an update from the Staff team!

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